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Video of HVAC 158 low on charge, LEAK! in HVAC course by Love2HVAC with Ty Branaman channel, video No. 184 free certified online
Refrigerant does not wear out, it leaks out.
High superheat vapor (starved evaporator) with low subcooling liquid (starved condenser) not enough refrigerant, where is the leak.
Many techs just want to add refrigerant and go to the next call because its quick easy money. Its really not the techs call, its the customers call in most cases.
If the system contains less than 50 pounds of refrigerant there is no laws requiring the leak to be repaired in the United States at this time. Do the "gas and go" in not illegal but is it the right thing to do?
Ultimately the choice is the customers when its under 50 pounds of refrigerant.
The customer should be informed of all their options so they can make the best decisions for their needs. lets look at some of these topics.
Environmental, regardless of what the technicians view is on the environmental aspect of refrigerants, to some customers it is very important! Some customers do not want the refrigerant leaking out and are continues of this and make decisions based on it.
Dependability, knowing they unit is not going to run low on charge again on the busiest hottest day of the year. Thinking they may have to sleep without air, or take off work yet again or even have family over when it happens.
Longevity, understanding running the system low on charge can overheat and damage the compressor.
Electrical cost, understanding the system low on refrigerant will use more energy.
We give the customers their options.
1 We can add refrigerant to get you cooling.
2 We can come back and do a leach search to find the leak then we can give you an estimate for what it would take to repair it if its in a fixable location.
3 Depending on the age you may want to invest into a new system, there is no cost an estimate. we can set that up if you would like.
Now the customer decides what is best with their goals and needs. Be sure and document all the options on the invoice.
Me personally, i like to perform a complimentary 10 minute maximum leak search to get an idea where the leak will be.