Never stop talking " STOP the Gaza Genocide "

Dart | Wael abo hamza

Wael abo hamza

Wael abo hamza

قناة عربية لشرح لغات البرمجة لا تطلب منكن سوى الدعاء صاحب القناة المهندس وائل ابو حمزه. رابط مجموعة الفيسبوك الخاصة بالقناة . رابط دعم القناة . رقم الهاتف الخاص بالاعمال فقط . +021508625889.

تفاصيل الكورس

دروس الكورس

  1. 1 | #1 - introduction Dart Language [ Mastering Dart in Arabic ] 00:08:14
  2. 2 | 2 - create project 00:06:08
  3. 3 | حل مشكلة عدم ظهور زر التشغيل 00:02:53
  4. 4 | 3 syntax 00:01:59
  5. 5 | 4 - variable 00:12:23
  6. 6 | 5 - datatype 00:07:34
  7. 7 | هام جدا Null Safety 00:07:16
  8. 8 | 6 - Arithmetic Operators 00:05:26
  9. 9 | 7 - quality and Relational Operators 00:03:05
  10. 10 | 8 - Type test Operators And Assignment Operators 00:06:06
  11. 11 | 9 - Logical Operators 00:04:27
  12. 12 | 10 - comment 00:02:36
  13. 13 | 11 if else statement 00:16:28
  14. 14 | 12 - switch case 00:06:35
  15. 15 | 13 - for loop 00:15:16
  16. 16 | 14 - While Loop 00:05:21
  17. 17 | 15 - Do While 00:02:16
  18. 18 | 16 - break 00:03:12
  19. 19 | 17 - continue 00:05:20
  20. 20 | 18 - number 00:11:40
  21. 21 | 19 - String Method 00:14:04
  22. 22 | 20 - List 00:05:36
  23. 23 | 21 - List ( add - length ) 00:09:48
  24. 24 | 22 - List ( first - last - isEmpty - isNotEmpty - reversed - single) 00:04:44
  25. 25 | 23 List( Add - AddAll - insert - insertAll) 00:05:05
  26. 26 | 24 - List method part 5 00:05:04
  27. 27 | 25 - Map 00:08:34
  28. 28 | 26 Map Part 2 00:02:34
  29. 29 | 27 - dyanmic varibles 00:04:07
  30. 30 | 28 - final and const 00:02:23
  31. 31 | 29 - Set 00:04:05
  32. 32 | 30 -Convert between List Map Set 00:04:36
  33. 33 | 31 function 00:10:34
  34. 34 | 32 function types 00:07:14
  35. 35 | 32 function types 00:07:14
  36. 36 | 33 - function scope 00:06:29
  37. 37 | 34 import 00:08:05
  38. 38 | 35 example 00:11:14
  39. 39 | 36 - example 2 00:05:25
  40. 40 | 37 - example 3 00:12:25
  41. 41 | 38 - as with import 00:02:44
  42. 42 | 39 - Runes 00:07:58
  43. 43 | 40 - Assert 00:03:35
  44. 44 | 41 - Max And Min 00:04:03
  45. 45 | 42 - DataType (List - Set - Map) 00:07:17
  46. 46 | 43 - ( FirstWhere - AsMap - WhereType ) 00:12:14
  47. 47 | 44 - (Every - Any - Take) 00:05:42
  48. 48 | 45 - (Where - Indexwhere - Firestwhere ) 00:07:21
  49. 49 | 46 - (Startswith - Endwith - Contain) 00:05:32
  50. 50 | 47 - Example 00:05:32
  51. 51 | 48 - Iterator And Iterable 00:14:36
  52. 52 | 49 - Map Method 00:05:55
  53. 53 | 50 - Try And Catch 00:04:01
  54. 54 | 51 - shorthand if 00:05:03
  55. 55 | 52 - oop 00:08:16
  56. 56 | 53 - method class 00:05:27
  57. 57 | 54 - Constructor 00:02:28
  58. 58 | 55 - Reset Variable 00:08:49
  59. 59 | 56 - Setter And Getter 00:07:12
  60. 60 | 57 - static 00:07:38
  61. 61 | 58 - Cascade operator 00:02:32
  62. 62 | 59 - inheritance 00:13:36
  63. 63 | 60 - override 00:06:24
  64. 64 | 61 - mult level inherate 00:05:25
  65. 65 | 62 - super class 00:06:09
  66. 66 | 63 - abstract class 00:05:00
  67. 67 | 64 - implements class 00:08:03
  68. 68 | 65 - Collection 00:03:51
  69. 69 | 66 - type map 00:03:05
  70. 70 | 67 - type map 00:04:20
  71. 71 | 68 - regular expressions 00:10:34
  72. 72 | 69 - Private 00:09:09
  73. 73 | 70 - mixin 00:05:38
  74. 74 | The End 00:00:16
    تقييمات الطلاب

    ( 4.5 من 5 )

    ١٢٥ تقييم
    5 نجوم
    4 نجوم
    3 نجوم
    ياسمين السيد

    Mohamed Mansour

    عادل خالد

    Osman Atif

    Salah mohammed

    nourhan yaser

    رامي جورجيوس

    Maged Galal

    Mariam Gharib
