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Mohammed Sadeek
Video of 5 Easy Phone Sales Tips in Telesales course by Sales Insights Lab channel, video No. 3 free certified online
Be sure to register for my free training on, "The 5-Step Formula to Closing More Deals without the Price Pushback, 'Think-It-Overs' or Ghosting"
In today’s world of selling, salespeople are distracted by shiny objects such as social media, email and all of the other technologies of today. As a result, the phone has fallen off the radar of most salespeople. This means that your prospects are getting fewer phone calls than ever before.
This makes the phone the single best prospecting tool in our arsenal today.
In this video I’m going to teach you five super easy phone sales tips that work every single time. Check it out.
I want to hear from you. Which of these five ideas did you find most useful? Be sure to just share in the comments below and I will respond to every comment that I can get to.