Never stop talking " STOP the Gaza Genocide "
  • Lesson.No : 03
  • 00:09:04
  • Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #03 - First Project And First Page

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Course Lessons

  1. 1- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #01 - Introduction and What I Need To Learn
  2. 2- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #02 - Elements And Browser
  3. 3- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #03 - First Project And First Page
  4. 4- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #04 - Head And Nested Elements
  5. 5- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #05 - Comments And Use Cases
  6. 6- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #06 - Doctype And Standard And Quirks Mode
  7. 7- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #07 - Headings And Use Cases
  8. 8- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #08 - Syntax And Tests
  9. 9- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #09 - Paragraph Element
  10. 10- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #10 - Elements Attributes
  11. 11- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #11 - Formatting Elements
  12. 12- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #12 - Links - Anchor Tag
  13. 13- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #13 - Image And Deal With Paths
  14. 14- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #14 - Lists - UL, OL, DL
  15. 15- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #15 - Table
  16. 16- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #16 - Span And Break And Horizontal Rule
  17. 17- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #17 - Div And How To Use
  18. 18- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #18 - HTML Entities
  19. 19- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #19 - Semantic Elements
  20. 20- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #20 - Layout With Div And Classes
  21. 21- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #21 - Layout With Semantic Elements
  22. 22- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #22 - Audio
  23. 23- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #23 - Video
  24. 24- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #24 - Form Part 1 - Input Types And Label
  25. 25- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #25 - Form Part 2 - Required, Placeholder, Value
  26. 26- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #26 - Form Part 3 - Action, Name, Method
  27. 27- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #27 - Form Part 4 - Hidden, Reset, Color, Range, Number
  28. 28- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #28 - Form Part 5 - ReadOnly, Disabled, Autofocus
  29. 29- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #29 - Form Part 6 - Radio And Checkbox
  30. 30- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #30 - Form Part 7 - Select And Textarea
  31. 31- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #31 - Form Part 8 - File, Search, URL, Time
  32. 32- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #32 - Form Part 9 - Data List, Novalidate, Target
  33. 33- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #33 - Q, BlockQuote, Wbr, Bdi, Button
  34. 34- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #34 - iFrame, Pre, Code
  35. 35- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #35 - Accessibility Intro
  36. 36- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #36 - ARIA And Screen Readers
  37. 37- Learn HTML In Arabic 2021 - #37 - The End And What To Do