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Video of Asp net Wizard control properties Part 37 in course by kudvenkat channel, video No. 37 free certified online
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ActiveStepIndex - Used to set or get the ActiveStepIndex of the wizard control
DisplayCancelButton - Determines the visibility of the cancel button in the wizard control
CancelButtonImageUrl - If the cancel button type is set to Image button. Then set this property to specify the image.
CancelButtonStyle - The style properties to customize the cancel button
CancelButtonText - If the cancel button type is set to Link or Button, then set this property to specify the Text of the button.
CancelButtonType - Us to Specify the type of cancel button. This can be Button, Image or Link.
CancelDestinationPageUrl - The destination page to redirect to, when the cancel button is clicked. This can be a page with in the application or an external website.
DisplaySideBar - Determines if the wizard sidebar should be displayed or not
FinishCompleteButtonType - The button type of the finish step's finish button
FinishPreviousButtonType - The button type of the finish step's previous button
HeaderStyle - The style properties to customize the wizard header
HeaderText - The header text of the wizard control
NavigationButtonStyle - The style properties to customize the wizard navigation buttons
NavigationStyle - The style properties to customize the navigation area that holds the navigation buttons
SideBarButtonStyle - The style properties to customize the wizard sidebar buttons
SideBarStyle - The style properties to customize the wizard sidebar
StartNextButtonType - The type of the start step's next button
StepNextButtonType - The button type of next step button
StepPreviousButtonType - The button type of previous step button
StepStyle - The style properties to customize the wizard steps
Note: WizardSteps can be added in the HTML source or using the WizardSteps collection editor.