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Java | Adel Nasim

Adel Nasim

Adel Nasim

تم انشاء القناة لزيادة الوعي البرمجي لدى المشاهد العربي بتعلم لغات البرمجة المطلوبة بأسلوب سلس وشامل.

Course Details

  • Course Lessons77
  • Course Period25h 11m
  • No.Students5
  • Languageعربي
  • Prerequisite C++
  • (1)
  • Start Now for free

Course Lessons

  1. 1 | #00 [JAVA] - Introduction 00:12:18
  2. 2 | #01 [JAVA] - Installing the Java Development Tools (JDK, Apache NetBeans IDE) 00:14:20
  3. 3 | #02 [JAVA] - Escape Sequences and Comments 00:13:01
  4. 4 | #03 [JAVA] - Data Types 00:20:48
  5. 5 | #04 [JAVA] - Arithmetic Operators 00:12:11
  6. 6 | #05 [JAVA] - Arithmetic Operators (Prefix & Postfix) 00:11:15
  7. 7 | #06 [JAVA] - Java User Input (Scanner), Printf methods 00:18:33
  8. 8 | #07 [JAVA] - Selection Statement ( if - if else - if else if ) 00:16:55
  9. 9 | #08 [JAVA] - Selection Statement ( Exercises, Practice, Ternary Operator ), Instanceof Method 00:13:41
  10. 10 | #09 [JAVA] - Selection Statement (Switch Statements) 00:18:56
  11. 11 | #010 [JAVA] - Repetition Control Statement (While Loop) 00:15:50
  12. 12 | #011 [JAVA] - Sentinel and Flag-Controlled While Loops 00:10:09
  13. 13 | #012 [JAVA] - Repetition Control Statement (Do-While Loop) 00:10:29
  14. 14 | #013 [JAVA] - Repetition Control Statement (For Loop) 00:13:07
  15. 15 | #014 [JAVA] - Questions and Exercises in Loops 00:17:12
  16. 16 | #015 [JAVA] - Branching Statements ( Break/Continue ) 00:12:38
  17. 17 | #016 [JAVA] - Repetition Control Statement (Nested Loops) 00:19:26
  18. 18 | #017 [JAVA] - Branching Statements (Labeled Break / Labeled Continue) 00:11:17
  19. 19 | #018 [JAVA] - Method / Function Part 1 00:23:26
  20. 20 | #019 [JAVA] - Method / Function Part 2 (Examples) 00:23:58
  21. 21 | #020 [JAVA] - Built in Method / Function 00:20:18
  22. 22 | #021 [JAVA] - Overloading Method / Function 00:15:06
  23. 23 | #022 [JAVA] - Recursion/Recursive Methods Part 1 00:24:48
  24. 24 | #023 [JAVA] - Recursion/Recursive Methods Part 2 00:22:34
  25. 25 | #024 [JAVA] - One Dimensional Arrays (1D Array) 00:23:21
  26. 26 | #025 [JAVA] - One Dimensional Array (Exercises, Practice) 00:11:45
  27. 27 | #026 [JAVA] - One Dimensional Array (Char Array) 00:12:22
  28. 28 | #027 [JAVA] - Passing Arrays to Methods 00:16:00
  29. 29 | #028 [JAVA] - Multidimensional Arrays & Passing Multidimensional Arrays to Methods 00:27:50
  30. 30 | #029 [JAVA] - String & Array String 00:28:50
  31. 31 | #030 [JAVA] - Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 00:17:46
  32. 32 | #031 [JAVA] - Classes and Objects 00:26:49
  33. 33 | #032 [JAVA] - Questions and Exercises - Classes and Objects 00:25:41
  34. 34 | #033 [JAVA] - Constructor (No-Arg, Parameterized, Default) 00:23:37
  35. 35 | #034 [JAVA] - Constructor (Copy Constructor) / Finalizers vs Destructor 00:11:14
  36. 36 | #035 [JAVA] - Static keyword (Static Variable and Methods) 00:23:07
  37. 37 | #036 [JAVA] - Static keyword (Static Block - Static Class) 00:17:27
  38. 38 | #037 [JAVA] - Passing Objects to Methods (by Value vs by Reference / Passing Objects as Arguments) 00:10:02
  39. 39 | #038 [JAVA] - Passing Objects to Methods (Returning Objects / Comparing Objects) 00:21:29
  40. 40 | #039 [JAVA] - Inheritance (Types of Inheritance / Access Modifiers and inheritance) 00:17:32
  41. 41 | #040 [JAVA] - Inheritance (Super Keyword / Object Class / Package-Private vs Protected) 00:33:29
  42. 42 | #041 [JAVA] - Polymorphism (Method Overloading and Method Overriding) 00:15:55
  43. 43 | #042 [JAVA] - Polymorphism(Explanation of Examples, Static Methods) 00:27:53
  44. 44 | #043 [JAVA] - Polymorphism(Late binding "Dynamic Polymorphism", Early binding "Static Polymorphism") 00:13:37
  45. 45 | #044 [JAVA] - Types of Relationships (Association, Aggregation "has-a", Composition "part-of") 00:22:33
  46. 46 | #045 [JAVA] - Types of Relationships (Association, Aggregation, Composition) With Example 00:34:20
  47. 47 | #046 [JAVA] - Final Keyword (Final Variable, Final Blank Variable, Static Final Blank Variable) 00:17:52
  48. 48 | #047 [JAVA] - Final Keyword (Final Parameters, Final Methods, Final Classes, Final References) 00:13:53
  49. 49 | #048 [JAVA] - ArrayList Class 00:27:22
  50. 50 | #049 [JAVA] - ArrayList, Declaration, Print, Methods(Add, Get, AddAll, Copy Constructor, Clone) 00:29:22
  51. 51 | #050 [JAVA] - ArrayList Methods(Set, Remove, Remove All, Remove Range) Polymorphic ArrayList 00:22:04
  52. 52 | #051 [JAVA] - ArrayList Methods(contains, retainAll, subList, clear, ensureCapacity, sort, min, max) 00:30:53
  53. 53 | #052 [JAVA] - Abstraction (Real-Life Examples, Introduction to Abstract Class, UML Abstract Class) 00:19:05
  54. 54 | #053 [JAVA] - Abstract Class part 1 (Examples, Abstract rules) 00:19:32
  55. 55 | #054 [JAVA] - Abstract Class part 2 (Polymorphism, Benefits of Abstract Class) 00:14:31
  56. 56 | #055 [JAVA] - Interface Part1 (Real-Life Example, UML, Convention) 00:20:09
  57. 57 | #056 [JAVA] - Interface Part2(Practical, Implement Multiple Interfaces, Extends Multiple Interfaces) 00:21:44
  58. 58 | #057 [JAVA] - Interface Part3 (Default - Private - Static Methods, Nested Interface) 00:17:33
  59. 59 | #058 [JAVA] - Interface Part4(Marker or Tagging Interface, Generic Interface, Benefits of Interface) 00:12:45
  60. 60 | #059 [JAVA] - Anonymous Inner Class (Extends Class, Implements Interface, Defined Arguments, Lambda) 00:23:03
  61. 61 | #060 [JAVA] - Anonymous Inner Class (Constructor, Extra Methods, Local Variables , Var Keyword) 00:26:57
  62. 62 | #061 [JAVA] - Java Enum (What is Enum, Examples, UML, Enum with switch, Attributes & Methods) 00:30:22
  63. 63 | #062 [JAVA] - Java Enum ( Real life example, ordinal, compreTo, toString, name, valueOf, values ) 00:18:40
  64. 64 | #063 [JAVA] - Java Enum ( EnumSet & EnumMap classes, Benefits of Enums, Enums vs Classes ) 00:13:49
  65. 65 | #064 [JAVA] - Exception Handling (Try-catch block, Multi-catch blocks, Union-catch blocks ) 00:23:07
  66. 66 | #065 [JAVA] - Exception Handling ( Finally Block, Throws Keyword, Checked vs Unchecked Exception ) 00:29:24
  67. 67 | #066 [JAVA] - Exception Handling (Throw keyword, Throw vs Throws, Throw & finally, Custom exception) 00:32:07
  68. 68 | #067 [JAVA] - File Handling(, Byte & Character stream, InputStream & OutputStream subclasses) 00:23:59
  69. 69 | #068 [JAVA] - File Handling ( FileInputStream class, Character size vs String size ) 00:24:35
  70. 70 | #069 [JAVA] - File Handling (FileOutputStream class, Reading and Writing images, Arabic letters) 00:11:42
  71. 71 | #070 [JAVA] - File Handling (File class) 00:15:57
  72. 72 | #071 [JAVA] - File Handling (File class, Directories "Add/Remove", Constructors) 00:14:40
  73. 73 | #072 [JAVA] - File Handling (Reader class/Writer class hierarchy, FileWriter & FileReader) 00:22:44
  74. 74 | #073 [JAVA] - File Handling (BufferedReader / BufferedWriter classes, Read file line by line) 00:21:50
  75. 75 | #074 [JAVA] - File Handling (PrintWriter class "Constructors & Methods") 00:14:56
  76. 76 | #075 [JAVA] - File Handling (Scanner class "Constructors & Methods", useDelimiter, delimiter) 00:19:45
  77. 77 | #076 [JAVA] - File Handling (Serialization and Deserialization ,Read & Write multiple objects) 00:22:09
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