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PHP Native | Php Anonymous

Php Anonymous

Php Anonymous

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Course Details

  • Course Lessons284
  • Course Period50h 56m
  • No.Students5
  • Languageعربي
  • Prerequisite C++
  • (2)
  • Start Now for free

Course Lessons

  1. 1 | #1 introduction about php8 and what is coming in this course 00:19:31
  2. 2 | #2 setup and prepare XAMPP in linux OS 00:03:18
  3. 3 | #3 setup and prepare XAMPP on Windows OS 00:03:57
  4. 4 | #4 Setup and prepare xampp in Mac OSX 00:04:31
  5. 5 | #5 dataType Concept In PHP Part1 00:12:02
  6. 6 | #6 dataType Concept Array In PHP part2 00:07:05
  7. 7 | #7 dataType Concept Resource in php 00:02:36
  8. 8 | #8 dataType concept part3 end lesson 00:07:08
  9. 9 | #9 custom functions in php part1 00:10:37
  10. 10 | #10 what is the parameterized in custom function part2 00:04:08
  11. 11 | #11 LGS Local , Global , Static Scope In Function part3 00:06:59
  12. 12 | #12 let's try some internal built in functions and what is the constant 00:18:37
  13. 13 | #13 Ternary operator if and else condition and statement part 1 00:10:23
  14. 14 | #14 Ternary operator if and elseif with new syntax style 00:04:06
  15. 15 | #15 short hand Ternary and null coalescing operator 00:03:13
  16. 16 | #16 ternary and null coalescing and spaceship operator 00:05:28
  17. 17 | #17 set your multiple condations 00:04:31
  18. 18 | #18 switch Statement 00:04:16
  19. 19 | #19 for , foreach loop in php 00:06:49
  20. 20 | #20 break VS continue in loops 00:04:30
  21. 21 | #21 while vs do while loops in php 00:08:13
  22. 22 | #22 include VS include once 00:04:33
  23. 23 | #23 require VS require once and comparing include VS require 00:03:41
  24. 24 | #24 PHP Global Variables Superglobals part 1 00:09:44
  25. 25 | #25 PHP Superglobals $_FILES 00:13:29
  26. 26 | #26 PHP Superglobals $_SESSION 00:09:09
  27. 27 | #27 PHP Superglobals $_COOKIE VS $_SESSION 00:05:45
  28. 28 | #28 Magic Constants 00:04:33
  29. 29 | #29 echo VS print 00:03:57
  30. 30 | #30 comments single or multiline 00:04:48
  31. 31 | #31 let's to try some internal built in mathematical Functions 00:08:57
  32. 32 | #32 Regular Expression preg_replace part1 00:12:42
  33. 33 | #33 Regular Expression preg match part2 00:09:11
  34. 34 | #34 Regular Expression preg_match with Metacharacters part3 00:07:05
  35. 35 | #35 Regular Expressions preg match practice phone number part4 00:07:33
  36. 36 | #36 Regular Expression preg_split & preg_grep part5 00:15:12
  37. 37 | #37 Regular Expression search and get data from HTML tags part6 00:05:46
  38. 38 | #38 Escaping in php 00:03:27
  39. 39 | #39 Directories in PHP with internal built in functions 00:14:05
  40. 40 | #40 FileSystem create file or directory and read , write data in file Part1 00:14:45
  41. 41 | #41 Filesystem copy and delete files and directory part 2 00:04:26
  42. 42 | #42 FileSystem touch function part3 00:04:58
  43. 43 | #43 FileSystem symbolic link symlink function part4 00:06:12
  44. 44 | #44 FileSystem filesize and filetype part5 00:01:39
  45. 45 | #45 FileSystem get and put file contents 00:05:04
  46. 46 | #46 Date and DateTime and Timezone 00:12:43
  47. 47 | #47 string to time and add extra date or time using strtotime function 00:06:54
  48. 48 | #48 parse and diff and check date 00:09:12
  49. 49 | #49 get timezone identifiers list and other format in date function 00:09:38
  50. 50 | #50 introduce about PHP MySQL Database 00:07:17
  51. 51 | #51 How To Connect to mysql database using mysqli connect Procedural function 00:13:57
  52. 52 | #52 Create a MySQL Database Using MySQLi and Create First Table using PHPMyadmin GUI 00:08:55
  53. 53 | #53 Insert Data Into MySQL Using MySQLi Procedural function 00:07:14
  54. 54 | #54 Get ID of The Last Inserted Record using Procedural function mysqli insert id 00:02:37
  55. 55 | #55 MySQL Insert Multiple Records using mysqli multi query Procedural function 00:03:47
  56. 56 | #56 MySQLi Select Data using Procedural function 00:05:27
  57. 57 | #57 MySQL Query Where using Procedural function 00:05:51
  58. 58 | #58 Order Data From a MySQL Database using Procedural function 00:04:12
  59. 59 | #59 MySQL Update Data Using Procedural function 00:03:30
  60. 60 | #60 MySQL Limit Data Selections 00:07:31
  61. 61 | #61 MySQL Delete Data Using Procedural function 00:03:37
  62. 62 | #62 practicing #1 Let’s start a practical application with owned helper functions 00:22:27
  63. 63 | #63 practicing #2 prepare update helper function 00:18:25
  64. 64 | #64 practicing #3 prepare delete helper function 00:03:46
  65. 65 | #65 practicing #4 create find helper function to retrieve a single row from table in db 00:03:15
  66. 66 | #66 practicing #5 create first helper function to retrieve a single row from table in db 00:05:42
  67. 67 | #67 practicing #6 create get helper function to fetch multiple rows from table in db 00:12:12
  68. 68 | #68 practicing #7 create pagination helper function to make pagination retrieve multiple rows 00:24:37
  69. 69 | #69 practicing #8 create session helpers with config 00:20:58
  70. 70 | #70 practicing #9 Enhance in helpers file structure and create base_path helper function 00:05:53
  71. 71 | #71 practicing #10 prepare and create send mail function to use in registration form 00:23:39
  72. 72 | #72 practicing #11Let's To prepare our routing and handling the Hyper Text Access htaccess mode 00:11:25
  73. 73 | #73 practicing #12 create routing functions part2 00:25:55
  74. 74 | #74 practicing #13 create view and initial routing functions to make our first home pages and header 00:21:10
  75. 75 | #75 practicing 14 handling Post Routings 00:14:55
  76. 76 | #76 practicing 15 create redirect , session has , session flash functions 00:05:39
  77. 77 | #77 practicing 16 create localization functions to translate your labels 00:15:12
  78. 78 | #78 practicing #17 create request function and make a first template using bootstrap 5 00:17:31
  79. 79 | #79 practicing #18 set bootstrap version and make a dynamic variable in view function 00:14:09
  80. 80 | #80 practicing #19 set session path in your project 00:06:03
  81. 81 | #81 practicing #20 what is the AES+DES Mode and IV Attack or called Initialization Vectors 00:17:10
  82. 82 | #82 practicing #21 make your encrypt and decrypt functions using AES 128 CBC Mode with IV 00:25:38
  83. 83 | #83 practicing #22 A small example of Clean Code in native 00:03:35
  84. 84 | #84 practicing #23 A small example of writing code comments with PHP doc Tag and how to use ChatGPT 00:16:27
  85. 85 | #85 practicing #24 Enhance the index file 00:01:14
  86. 86 | #86 practicing #25 move index and htaccess to public folder 00:09:09
  87. 87 | #87 practicing #26 create a storage functions to upload files with store file function 00:19:30
  88. 88 | #88 practicing #27 create a storage function to readfile or download it 00:14:17
  89. 89 | #89 practicing #28 Redirect Trailing Slashes If Not A Folder to Access files in public folder 00:10:32
  90. 90 | #90 practicing #29 let's to make our validation functions to secure our attributes with first rule 00:12:32
  91. 91 | #91 practicing #30 add required rule on validations 00:08:33
  92. 92 | #92 practicing #31 add integer rule validation and bind rules & translate attributes in one array 00:19:47
  93. 93 | #93 practicing #32 make string validation and unset old offset on validation when print 00:14:42
  94. 94 | #94 practicing #33 handling errors style 00:13:44
  95. 95 | #95 practicing #34 fix the view error unset before show last error 00:01:35
  96. 96 | #96 practicing #35 handling redirect in to self in validation function and call back errors as api 00:15:32
  97. 97 | #97 practicing #36 old function to return old value in inputs 00:13:06
  98. 98 | #98 practicing #37 make your first template engine generator 00:17:25
  99. 99 | #99 practicing #38 enhance in caching template file to replace if statement and foreach as example 00:07:36
  100. 100 | #100 practicing #39 Preparing tools to build a dashboard using bootstrap5 00:05:47
  101. 101 | #101 practicing #40 initial and setup template in dashboard 00:21:58
  102. 102 | #102 practicing #41 add custom header and set locale rtl and ltr 00:12:32
  103. 103 | #103 practicing #42 add login page with form and validations part1 00:22:53
  104. 104 | #104 practicing #43 add login page with validations and create back,bcrypt,hash check functions 00:12:38
  105. 105 | #105 practicing #44 create auth,logout function and make session authenticate admin to sign in 00:15:16
  106. 106 | #106 practicing #45 check if user is admin or not part4 00:03:00
  107. 107 | #107 practicing #46 categories CRUD Operation C-Create part1 00:35:45
  108. 108 | #108 practicing #47add image rule C-Create part2 00:14:31
  109. 109 | #109 practicing #48 insert data in to categories and enhance redirect function C-Create part3 00:18:42
  110. 110 | #110 practicing #49 make some change in redirect and view engine functions 00:08:44
  111. 111 | #111 practicing #50 CRUD Operation R-Read 00:15:19
  112. 112 | #112 practicing #51 CRUD Operation U Update and create redirect if function 00:25:13
  113. 113 | #113 practicing #52 CRUD Operation D Delete and create image and delete record functions 00:22:41
  114. 114 | #114 practicing #53 add bootstrap pagination on render with full functionality next , Previous page 00:18:25
  115. 115 | #115 practicing #54 Add news CRUD Operation table and create relationship with user and category 00:06:56
  116. 116 | #116 practicing #55 Add news CRUD Operation create template , controller and localizations part2 00:07:53
  117. 117 | #117 practicing #56 Add news CRUD Operation C-Create part3 00:15:06
  118. 118 | #118 practicing #57 Add news CRUD Operation U Update and setup CKeditor with Textarea part4 00:10:54
  119. 119 | #119 practicing #58 Add news CRUD Operation R-Read part5 00:03:52
  120. 120 | #120 practicing #59 Add news CRUD Operation D-Delete part6 00:00:50
  121. 121 | #121 practicing #60 get user and category using Join 00:20:01
  122. 122 | #122 practicing #61 translate Your localization files using AI ChatGPT 00:02:36
  123. 123 | #123 practicing #62 Create New CRUD Operations to Manage Users part1 00:14:03
  124. 124 | #124 practicing #63 Create New CRUD Operations to manage Users part2 00:06:53
  125. 125 | #125 practicing #64 add unique Validation rule to check if value like email or mobile already used 00:20:58
  126. 126 | #126 practicing #65 add rule called in to check if value in array or not 00:07:57
  127. 127 | #127 practicing #66 let's to organize the error validation messages in new place like header 00:09:16
  128. 128 | #128 practicing #67 add toastr.js to show success message when create , update and deleted record 00:12:32
  129. 129 | #129 PHP Streams I/O how to Run Code In Terminal as CLI part1 00:06:17
  130. 130 | #130 PHP Streams I/O Retrieve input from Terminal using readline and STDIN part2 00:07:46
  131. 131 | #131 PHP Streams I/O print Output in Terminal using STDOUT part3 00:04:30
  132. 132 | #132 PHP Streams I/O Make your first Command using $argv or $_SERVER['argv'] part4 00:10:03
  133. 133 | #133 setup front end design using blog bootstrap example part1 00:07:31
  134. 134 | #134 setup direction rtl & ltr and split design to header and footer part2 00:09:22
  135. 135 | #135 fetch the navbar categories in frontend 00:13:00
  136. 136 | #136 fetch news when show category 00:13:49
  137. 137 | #137 show article by id with relationship author and category 00:16:54
  138. 138 | #138 create comments on news part1 00:05:12
  139. 139 | #139 create comments on news part2 00:06:57
  140. 140 | #140 create comments on news part3 00:09:15
  141. 141 | #141 create comments on news sending data by ajax part4 00:04:33
  142. 142 | #142 create comments on news handle the validation error message part5 00:06:14
  143. 143 | #143 HTTP response status codes part6 00:10:35
  144. 144 | #144 handle error messages in front part7 00:06:54
  145. 145 | #145 add exists new validation rule and add comment in database part8 00:13:10
  146. 146 | #146 fetch comments as paginate and appends request part9 00:12:32
  147. 147 | #147 make some enhance in comments with blackbox ai part10 00:09:18
  148. 148 | #148 add new response helper function and create Comments CRUD part11 00:23:47
  149. 149 | #149 add relation one to one Join News with comments part12 00:09:47
  150. 150 | #150 show latest news in home page 00:21:33
  151. 151 | #151 how to group by Data and how to change the strict sql mode in db to specific database 00:14:14
  152. 152 | #152 view news data by year using YEAR function in sql with mysql 00:07:16
  153. 153 | #153 add latest news and this is a end of story in php native and what comes in OOP 00:15:09
  154. 154 | #154 what is OOP Object Oriented Programming in PHP 00:04:45
  155. 155 | #155 what is class and what is the difference between class and object 00:08:24
  156. 156 | #156 what is inheritance in OOP ? 00:03:22
  157. 157 | #157 public props vs protected props in OOP 00:06:09
  158. 158 | #158 what is the private props in OOP 00:07:46
  159. 159 | #159 what is the type of methods in OOP 00:06:24
  160. 160 | #160 what is the constant and types public , protected and private scope 00:09:59
  161. 161 | #161 overwrite on public props and dynamic props are deprecated in v8.3 from php 00:04:34
  162. 162 | #162 run Object with Instance or without instance 00:01:18
  163. 163 | #163 __construct and __destruct with assign props 00:06:41
  164. 164 | #164 methods in OOP with arguments and data types 00:03:56
  165. 165 | #165 Programming vs Business 00:01:10
  166. 166 | #166 Encapsulation in OOP 00:02:45
  167. 167 | #167 Nullable Type hint in OOP 00:05:51
  168. 168 | #168 readonly props in OOP 00:07:47
  169. 169 | #169 what is the static methods in OOP part1 00:09:57
  170. 170 | #170 static methods and static props vs non static methods and non static props in OOP part2 00:07:26
  171. 171 | #171 run class in to self 00:04:33
  172. 172 | #172 how to make a singleton class in OOP 00:08:21
  173. 173 | #173 the magic methods __sleep and __wakeup 00:11:18
  174. 174 | #174 the magic methods __call and __callStatic 00:04:10
  175. 175 | #175 the magic methods __get and __set - getter and setter 00:03:57
  176. 176 | #176 the magic methods __isset and __unset 00:06:04
  177. 177 | #177 the magic methods __toString and __invoke 00:03:18
  178. 178 | #178 the magic methods __clone and clone 00:07:13
  179. 179 | #179 the magic methods __set_state 00:07:35
  180. 180 | #180 what is the interface in OOP 00:09:03
  181. 181 | #181 abstract vs interface in OOP 00:11:09
  182. 182 | #182 what is the traits in OOP 00:12:53
  183. 183 | #183 what is the namespace in OOP in php 00:11:36
  184. 184 | #184 rename everything in namespace OOP 00:08:01
  185. 185 | #185 Chaining Methods in OOP 00:18:34
  186. 186 | #186 Recursion in php native and OOP 00:10:38
  187. 187 | #187 Named Parameters in OOP 00:14:30
  188. 188 | #188 Preventing inheritance class or methods through final 00:11:09
  189. 189 | #189 Enumeration (enum) in OOP 00:12:49
  190. 190 | #190 Polymorphism in OOP 00:07:06
  191. 191 | #191 Exception Handling try and catch and finally in OOP 00:13:52
  192. 192 | #192 End of OOP Lessons and what's comes in PSR 00:01:41
  193. 193 | #193 PSRs VS PERs php fig org 00:14:43
  194. 194 | #194 PSR 1: Basic Coding Standard 00:21:05
  195. 195 | #195 PSR 2: Coding Style Guide 00:20:04
  196. 196 | #196 PSR 3 and PSR 4 autoloading files and install composer with Windows or Linux or mac OSx 00:13:52
  197. 197 | #197 how to generate composer json with PSR4 autoloading - composer init 00:13:27
  198. 198 | #198 Let's discover the composer and dumping command to regenerate files again 00:06:43
  199. 199 | #199 composer environment and json structure with install or remove packages and more 00:14:51
  200. 200 | #200 Autoload mapping for a PHP autoloader - PSR 4 and 0 00:32:47
  201. 201 | #201 composer keywords , prefer-stable , repositories 00:24:40
  202. 202 | #202 Single Responsibility Principle - SRP 00:07:32
  203. 203 | #203 Open/Closed Principle - OCP 00:08:55
  204. 204 | #204 Liskov Substitution Principle - LSP 00:13:24
  205. 205 | #205 Interface Segregation Principle - ISP 00:08:06
  206. 206 | #206 Dependency Inversion Principle - DIP 00:15:13
  207. 207 | #207 MVC architecture - what's coming 00:02:46
  208. 208 | #208 mvc installations 00:13:24
  209. 209 | #209 make router class part1 00:27:22
  210. 210 | #210 make router class part2 00:14:59
  211. 211 | #211 add route class and make a first helper file auto loader in the framework 00:30:00
  212. 212 | #212 how to make a dynamic routes 00:35:07
  213. 213 | #213 add anonymous function to route with retrieve dynamic arguments 00:10:16
  214. 214 | #214 create Hash and Session class to start session on your MVC 00:23:18
  215. 215 | #215 move session settings and define ROOT_PATH constant 00:17:36
  216. 216 | #216 let's start to build a Middleware structure in Route 00:21:31
  217. 217 | #217 use middleware in anonymous function Route 00:10:49
  218. 218 | #218 add role to Middleware 00:09:51
  219. 219 | #219 Get middleware from Core Web or Api 00:11:32
  220. 220 | #220 let's to make api routes 00:05:37
  221. 221 | #221 let's build a Segment class 00:08:01
  222. 222 | #222 let's to make prefix group and middleware for this group to add role for all group routes 00:25:25
  223. 223 | #223 finalize prefix in dispatch method 00:15:52
  224. 224 | #224 let's to create Log Exception 00:19:15
  225. 225 | #225 let's to create View class 00:09:36
  226. 226 | #226 Create a view cache to preserve server resources 00:19:17
  227. 227 | #227 create mvc config app to set and get timezone 00:10:37
  228. 228 | #228 setLocale and getLocale on mvc with web and api routes 00:12:46
  229. 229 | #229 parse url to fix issue and setLocale using Middleware on api routes 00:17:31
  230. 230 | #230 create SessionHandler with SessionHandlerInterface 00:22:42
  231. 231 | #231 enhance SessionHandler to save all sessions 00:13:32
  232. 232 | #232 make Lang translation has and path methods 00:23:11
  233. 233 | #233 get values and make trans helper function 00:07:43
  234. 234 | #234 get value from fallback lang 00:06:19
  235. 235 | #235 let's start change Lang class to Clean Code with a little steps 00:15:59
  236. 236 | #236 make attributes to change flags on string 00:11:57
  237. 237 | #237 make controller and validation class with a first method Required 00:19:11
  238. 238 | #238 make a first error list using required method 00:15:52
  239. 239 | #239 call any validation method by dynamic name 00:05:16
  240. 240 | #240 enhance Log and Lang Class to solve some issue and add string , integer validation 00:09:47
  241. 241 | #241 let's start to create numeric validation 00:04:17
  242. 242 | #242 let's start to create json validation 00:04:30
  243. 243 | #243 let's start to create array validation 00:02:21
  244. 244 | #244 check value in specific value on array validation 00:25:10
  245. 245 | #245 enhance validation class to make a clean code 00:14:03
  246. 246 | #246 get validated values from validation 00:03:48
  247. 247 | #247 create in validation method 00:12:50
  248. 248 | #248 create email validation method 00:03:05
  249. 249 | #249 create unique validation method 00:15:11
  250. 250 | #250 create exists validation method 00:07:39
  251. 251 | #251 make a validated and failed methods with using validation in baseController 00:09:19
  252. 252 | #252 let's start to create Request Class to handle all requests values 00:07:32
  253. 253 | #253 make file and store methods 00:17:17
  254. 254 | #254 finalize store method with rename file before store 00:14:21
  255. 255 | #255 create symbolic link with storage in public folder to get uploaded files 00:05:44
  256. 256 | #256 what is the CSRF and how can make it ? part #1 00:09:38
  257. 257 | #257 what is the CSRF and how can make it ? create csrf token and csrf field functions part #2 00:12:03
  258. 258 | #258 what is the CSRF and how can make it ? use CSRF in Core last part 00:09:37
  259. 259 | #259 let's start to clean some codes ;( 00:03:33
  260. 260 | #260 what's ORM Object-Relational Mapping 00:07:11
  261. 261 | #261 let's start to make our Database Connections Type-MySQL #part1 00:16:57
  262. 262 | #262 let's start to make our Database Connections Type-SQLite #part2 00:02:01
  263. 263 | #263 create BaseModel to select type of database #par3 00:04:30
  264. 264 | #264 create database in mysql to make a first connection #part4 00:02:57
  265. 265 | #265 test connections to mysql or sqlite #part5 00:07:40
  266. 266 | #266 Let's do some improvements and create a first properties for the table property auto convention 00:11:40
  267. 267 | #267 Dynamic Field Setup in Our Model for Database Interaction 00:05:48
  268. 268 | #268 Understanding the Single Responsibility and Retrieving Object Names Using ReflectionClass 00:07:00
  269. 269 | #269 build DBCondations Trait to using with BaseModel 00:14:39
  270. 270 | #270 prepare condition values to bind in PDO Param 00:05:06
  271. 271 | #271 build find method 00:13:54
  272. 272 | #272 set database connection and solve some problems 00:06:00
  273. 273 | #273 Completion of find method and utilizing the data after storing 00:08:40
  274. 274 | #274 convert object to array after execute data 00:02:19
  275. 275 | #275 build a first method and enhance some methods to get more benefits in ORM strategy 00:09:16
  276. 276 | #276 let's to fetchAll data and create get and all methods in ORM 00:11:35
  277. 277 | #277 let's to create Collection class to convert data to Array in get or all methods 00:14:13
  278. 278 | #278 add limit , offset , take methods in ORM 00:05:51
  279. 279 | #279 add count method in ORM 00:06:36
  280. 280 | #280 create Paginator & pagination method class part1 00:13:49
  281. 281 | #281 finalize the paginate method 00:08:51
  282. 282 | #282 let's to test the paginate method with Some enhancements 00:05:23
  283. 283 | #283 use the IteratorAggregate and ArrayIterator to make Paginator class as a loop 00:08:11
  284. 284 | #284 let's to create pagination number of pages using bootstrap 5 00:18:23
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