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PHP Native | Program With Gio

Program With Gio

Program With Gio

Hello & welcome to my channel!. I've been coding for over a decade & my very first website was built with HTML, CSS, & PHP all in a single index.php file (good old times). I decided to make my own channel and start producing content on things that I know & have learned over the years as well as the things that I will learn along the way. Currently, my main stack consists of PHP, Laravel, GraphQL, React JS (Next.js) & Tailwind CSS. (Though, I am planning on exploring other tech). Happy coding

Course Details

  • Course Lessons138
  • Course Period34h 32m
  • No.Students1
  • LanguageEnglish
  • Prerequisite C++
  • (1)
  • Start Now for free

Course Lessons

  1. 1 | Full PHP 8 Tutorial - Learn PHP The Right Way In 2024 00:07:00
  2. 2 | How To Install PHP & What Are Web Servers - PHP 8 Tutorial 00:08:29
  3. 3 | Basic PHP Syntax - PHP 8 Tutorial 00:12:32
  4. 4 | What Are Constants & Variable Variables In PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:08:07
  5. 5 | PHP Data Types - Typecasting Overview & How It Works - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:11:58
  6. 6 | PHP Boolean Data Type - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:04:45
  7. 7 | PHP Integer Data type - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:04:51
  8. 8 | PHP Float Data Type - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:07:51
  9. 9 | PHP String Data Type - Heredoc & Nowdoc Syntax - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:07:21
  10. 10 | PHP Null Data Type - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:03:29
  11. 11 | PHP Array Data Type - Indexed, Associative & Multi-Dimensional Arrays - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:16:52
  12. 12 | What Are Expressions In PHP & How They Are Evaluated - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:02:38
  13. 13 | PHP Operators Part 1 - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:14:27
  14. 14 | PHP Operators Part 2 - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:16:13
  15. 15 | PHP Operator Precedence & Associativity - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:05:27
  16. 16 | Control Structures in PHP - Conditional Statements - if/else - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:05:13
  17. 17 | PHP Loops Tutorial - Break & Continue Statements - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:12:24
  18. 18 | PHP Switch Statement - Switch vs if/else statement - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:08:10
  19. 19 | PHP Match Expression - Match vs Switch - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:05:08
  20. 20 | PHP Return, Declare & Tickable Statements - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:06:51
  21. 21 | How To Include Files In PHP - Include and Require - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:08:12
  22. 22 | How To Create Functions In PHP - Functions Tutorial - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:08:02
  23. 23 | PHP Function Parameters - Named Arguments - Variadic Functions & Unpacking - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:12:05
  24. 24 | PHP Variable Scopes - Static Variables - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:05:41
  25. 25 | Variable, Anonymous, Callable, Closure & Arrow Functions In PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:08:38
  26. 26 | How To Work With Dates & Time Zones - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:06:09
  27. 27 | How To Work With Arrays In PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:15:09
  28. 28 | How To Work With PHPs Configuration File - PHP.INI - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:07:26
  29. 29 | PHP Error Handling & Error Handlers - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:07:30
  30. 30 | Basic Apache Webserver Configuration & Virtual Hosts - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:14:19
  31. 31 | Working With File System In PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:09:52
  32. 32 | Mini Exercise Project Overview - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:03:11
  33. 33 | Building Small Part Of The App With Procedural PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:19:33
  34. 34 | PHP OOP Tutorial Section 2 - Intro to Object Oriented Programming - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:04:19
  35. 35 | PHP Docker Tutorial - Nginx - PHPFPM VS Apache - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:14:39
  36. 36 | PHP Classes & Objects - Typed Properties - Constructors & Destructors - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:21:15
  37. 37 | Constructor Property Promotion - Nullsafe Operator - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:09:33
  38. 38 | PHP Namespace Tutorial - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:20:15
  39. 39 | PHP Coding Standards, Autoloading (PSR-4) & Composer - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:21:50
  40. 40 | Object Oriented PHP - Class Constants - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:09:25
  41. 41 | Static Properties & Methods In Object Oriented PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:12:58
  42. 42 | PHP - Encapsulation & Abstraction - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:15:23
  43. 43 | PHP - Inheritance Explained - Is Inheritance Good? - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:25:09
  44. 44 | PHP Abstract Classes & Methods - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:09:36
  45. 45 | PHP Interfaces & Polymorphism - Interfaces Explained - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:18:03
  46. 46 | What Are PHP Magic Methods & How They Work - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:16:55
  47. 47 | What Is Late Static Binding & How It Works In PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:09:58
  48. 48 | PHP Traits - How They Work & Drawbacks - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:31:41
  49. 49 | PHP Anonymous Classes - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:07:17
  50. 50 | PHP Variable Storage & Object Comparison - Zend Value (zval) - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:11:20
  51. 51 | PHP DocBlock - Adding Comments to Classes & Methods - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:09:06
  52. 52 | PHP - Object Cloning & Clone Magic Method - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:04:43
  53. 53 | PHP Serialize Objects & Serialize Magic Methods - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:11:47
  54. 54 | OOP Error Handling In PHP - Exceptions & Try Catch Finally Blocks - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:21:18
  55. 55 | PHP - DateTime Object - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:25:30
  56. 56 | PHP Iterators & Iterable Type - Iterate Over Objects - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:12:13
  57. 57 | PHP Superglobals - Basic Routing Using The Server Info - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:12:55
  58. 58 | Get & Post Superglobals In PHP - Forms - Post Routes - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:11:06
  59. 59 | PHP Sessions & Cookies - Output Buffering - Headers Already Sent Warning - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:14:55
  60. 60 | PHP File Uploads - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:08:32
  61. 61 | PHP MVC Pattern - View Parameters Exploit - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:22:17
  62. 62 | HTTP Headers In PHP - Request & Response Headers - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:11:59
  63. 63 | Intro To MySQL For PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:25:47
  64. 64 | PHP PDO Tutorial Part 1 - Prepared Statements - SQL Injection - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:25:36
  65. 65 | PHP PDO Tutorial Part 2 - Transactions - Env Variables & PHPDotEnv - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:17:02
  66. 66 | PHP PDO Tutorial Part 3 - Models & Refactoring - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:22:49
  67. 67 | Section 2 review & exercise project - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:04:37
  68. 68 | PHP OOP Tutorial Section 3 - Intro to Testing - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:05:52
  69. 69 | PHP Unit Testing - PHPUnit Tutorial - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:31:04
  70. 70 | PHPUnit Tutorial Part 2 - Mocking - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:16:21
  71. 71 | Dependency Injection & DI Containers - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:06:42
  72. 72 | Dependency Injection Container With & Without Reflection API Autowiring - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:29:45
  73. 73 | DI Container With Interface Support - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:12:13
  74. 74 | PHP Generators Explained - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:25:47
  75. 75 | PHP WeakMap Explained - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:10:09
  76. 76 | What's New In PHP 8.1 - Deprecations & Backward Incompatible Changes - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:30:02
  77. 77 | Covariance & Contravariance in PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:16:17
  78. 78 | PHP Attributes - Simple Router With Attributes - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:22:59
  79. 79 | PHP Enums With Practical Examples - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:28:13
  80. 80 | Composition vs Inheritance in PHP With Practical Examples - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:19:11
  81. 81 | How to Send Email in PHP - Symfony Mailer - Email Protocols - Mailhog Setup - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:16:43
  82. 82 | How to Schedule Emails in PHP - Run Automated Scripts Using CRON - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:16:04
  83. 83 | Intro to Doctrine PHP - DataBase Abstraction Layer - Query Builder - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:17:47
  84. 84 | Doctrine ORM - PHP Entities & Data Mapper Pattern - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:26:18
  85. 85 | Doctrine ORM Query Builder - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:19:48
  86. 86 | What Are Database Migrations & How To Use Doctrine Migrations - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:12:41
  87. 87 | What is active record pattern & how Laravel implements it with Eloquent - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:36:29
  88. 88 | Refactor to use Eloquent instead of Doctrine DBAL - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:11:58
  89. 89 | PHP cURL API Tutorial - Emailable API Integration - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:17:56
  90. 90 | Refactor cURL to Guzzle With Retry Logic - Multiple API Integrations - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:26:13
  91. 91 | Data Transfer Objects - What Are DTOs - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:13:03
  92. 92 | Value Objects Practical Example - What is a Value Object? - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:21:36
  93. 93 | Intro to Templating Engines - Blade & Twig - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:13:29
  94. 94 | How To Install Xdebug 3 with Docker & PhpStorm - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:11:27
  95. 95 | How To Deploy Vanilla PHP To Cloudways - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:17:57
  96. 96 | Intro to Slim PHP Framework - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:14:12
  97. 97 | Slim Framework With PHP-DI & Doctrine ORM - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:09:30
  98. 98 | Little Refactoring Never Hurt Nobody - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:12:24
  99. 99 | How To Create CLI App & Commands - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:21:24
  100. 100 | 100th Video In This PHP Series - Project Overview - Full PHP 8 Tutorial 00:07:28
  101. 101 | Set Up Expennies Project Locally - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:19:46
  102. 102 | Let's Do Some Data Modeling & Create Entities - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:21:23
  103. 103 | User Registration & Password Hashing - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:13:19
  104. 104 | Add Form Validation To User Registration - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:17:43
  105. 105 | Display Validation Errors & Keep Form Filled - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:16:57
  106. 106 | Session Based Authentication - Session Hijacking & Fixation - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:17:37
  107. 107 | How to Pass Authenticated User to the Request - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:19:12
  108. 108 | Implement Session Interface - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:18:15
  109. 109 | Sessions & Referrer URL Refactor - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:13:06
  110. 110 | Request Validation - Factory Design Pattern - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:18:01
  111. 111 | CSRF Explained - What Is Cross Site Request Forgery - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:20:29
  112. 112 | XSS Explained - What Is Cross Site Scripting - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:16:33
  113. 113 | Let's Build CRUD Actions For Categories - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:23:14
  114. 114 | First Ajax Request - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:13:29
  115. 115 | POST Ajax Requests With CSRF Fields - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:17:51
  116. 116 | Ajax Request Validation - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:16:10
  117. 117 | Display Errors Using JavaScript & Bootstrap - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:19:57
  118. 118 | DataTables & Pagination - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:18:57
  119. 119 | How To Securely Implement Sorting & Filtering - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:16:20
  120. 120 | Transactions CRUD Exercise Overview - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:15:35
  121. 121 | Upload Transaction Receipts With Proper File Validation - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:40:27
  122. 122 | Open Transaction Receipt Files - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:14:51
  123. 123 | Import Transactions Exercise Solution Overview - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:07:06
  124. 124 | Profiling for N+1 Queries - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:16:27
  125. 125 | Reduce Memory Consumption & Speed Up Imports - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:18:10
  126. 126 | Toggle Transaction Review Status - Minor Refactoring - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:15:21
  127. 127 | Decorating Entity Manager to Avoid Inheritance - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:11:07
  128. 128 | Implement Route Model Binding With Slim - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:19:57
  129. 129 | Implement Authorization Using Doctrine Filters - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:15:02
  130. 130 | Set Up Email Verification For New Users - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:15:11
  131. 131 | Secure User Verification Using Signed URLs - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:24:20
  132. 132 | Send Two-Factor Auth Code Via Email - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:10:33
  133. 133 | Implement Two-Factor Authentication Via Email - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:10:41
  134. 134 | Implement Forgot Password Functionality - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:23:38
  135. 135 | Implementing Caching with Redis - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:22:22
  136. 136 | Implementing Rate Limiting - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:17:46
  137. 137 | Uploading Files to S3 Bucket - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:08:02
  138. 138 | Final Exercise - Building Back-End For Dashboard - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8 00:11:23
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    Learn PHP The Right Way - Full PHP Tutorial For Beginners & Advanced

    Hello & welcome to my first course "Learn PHP The Right Way". In this course, you will learn PHP from beginners level all the way to advanced. The "right way" is subjective of course, but my goal is to teach PHP the way I would want to learn myself where important topics like security, caching, performance, configuration, routing, dependency management, dependency injection & testing are not omitted even when the course is for beginners.
    Course Outline -