Never stop talking " STOP the Gaza Genocide "
  • رقم الدرس : 38
  • 00:23:58
  • Ideal Rankine Example Problem

  • تشغيل

دروس الكورس

  1. 1- Lesson 1: Intro to Thermodynamics
  2. 2- Lesson 2: Thermodynamic Properties
  3. 3- Lesson 3: Units!
  4. 4- Lesson 4: Properties of Pure Substances
  5. 5- Lesson 5: Hydrostatic Pressure
  6. 6- Lesson 6: Manometer Example Problem
  7. 7- Lesson 7: Property Tables and Quality
  8. 8- Lesson 8: Ideal Gas Explanation and Example Problem
  9. 9- Lesson 9: Closed Systems
  10. 10- Lesson 9.1: Clarification for Closed Systems
  11. 11- Lesson 9.1: Piston-Cylinder Example Problem
  12. 12- Lesson 12.1: Turbine Example Problem
  13. 13- Lesson 11: Nozzles and Diffusers
  14. 14- Lesson 12: Compressors and Turbines
  15. 15- Lesson 13: Mixing Chambers
  16. 16- Lesson 14: Heat Exchangers
  17. 17- Lesson 14.1: Heat Exchanger Example Problem
  18. 18- Lesson 15: Heat Engines
  19. 19- Lesson 16: Intro to Entropy
  20. 20- Lesson 16.1: P-v and T-s Diagrams for Entropy
  21. 21- Lesson 17: Isentropic Efficiencies
  22. 22- Lesson 17: Isentropic Efficiencies of Turbines and Compressors
  23. 23- Lesson 17.1: Example Turbine Problem Dealing with Isentropic Efficiencies
  24. 24- Lesson 17.2: T-s diagrams for Compressors and Turbines
  25. 25- Lesson 18: Gas Power Cycles
  26. 26- Lesson 19: Otto Cycle
  27. 27- Lesson 20: Diesel Cycle
  28. 28- Lesson 14.5: Refrigerators
  29. 29- Brayton Cycle
  30. 30- Rankine Cycle
  31. 31- Lesson: Ideal Rankine Cycle Example Problem
  32. 32- Air-Fuel Mass Ratio Example Problem
  33. 33- Otto Cycle Example Problem
  34. 34- Thermodynamics Course Lesson 9.2: How To Use First Law
  35. 35- Thermodynamics Lesson: Diesel Cycle Help
  36. 36- Lesson 10: Mass and Energy (Open Systems)
  37. 37- Lesson 21: Brayton Cycle
  38. 38- Ideal Rankine Example Problem
  39. 39- Diesel Cycle Example Problem
  40. 40- Lesson 22: Rankine Cycle
  41. 41- Thermodynamics Lesson: Units and Dimensions