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  • رقم الدرس : 09
  • 00:11:37
  • ReactJS Tutorial - 9 - Props

  • تشغيل

دروس الكورس

  1. 1- ReactJS Tutorial - 1 - Introduction
  2. 2- ReactJS Tutorial - 2 - Hello World
  3. 3- ReactJS Tutorial - 3 - Folder Structure
  4. 4- ReactJS Tutorial - 4 - Components
  5. 5- ReactJS Tutorial - 5 - Functional Components
  6. 6- ReactJS Tutorial - 6 - Class Components
  7. 7- ReactJS Tutorial - 7 - Hooks Update
  8. 8- ReactJS Tutorial - 8 - JSX
  9. 9- ReactJS Tutorial - 9 - Props
  10. 10- ReactJS Tutorial - 10 - State
  11. 11- ReactJS Tutorial - 11 - setState
  12. 12- ReactJS Tutorial - 12 - Destructuring props and state
  13. 13- ReactJS Tutorial - 13 - Event Handling
  14. 14- ReactJS Tutorial - 14 - Binding Event Handlers
  15. 15- ReactJS Tutorial - 15 - Methods as props
  16. 16- ReactJS Tutorial - 16 - Conditional Rendering
  17. 17- ReactJS Tutorial - 17 - List Rendering
  18. 18- ReactJS Tutorial - 18 - Lists and Keys
  19. 19- ReactJS Tutorial - 19 - Index as Key Anti-pattern
  20. 20- ReactJS Tutorial - 20 - Styling and CSS Basics
  21. 21- ReactJS Tutorial - 21 - Basics of Form Handling
  22. 22- ReactJS Tutorial - 22 - Component Lifecycle Methods
  23. 23- ReactJS Tutorial - 23 - Component Mounting Lifecycle Methods
  24. 24- ReactJS Tutorial - 24 - Component Updating Lifecycle Methods
  25. 25- ReactJS Tutorial - 25 - Fragments
  26. 26- ReactJS Tutorial - 26 - Pure Components
  27. 27- ReactJS Tutorial - 27 - memo
  28. 28- ReactJS Tutorial - 28 - Refs
  29. 29- ReactJS Tutorial - 29 - Refs with Class Components
  30. 30- ReactJS Tutorial - 30 - Forwarding Refs
  31. 31- ReactJS Tutorial - 31 - Portals
  32. 32- ReactJS Tutorial - 32 - Error Boundary
  33. 33- ReactJS Tutorial - 33 - Higher Order Components (Part 1)
  34. 34- ReactJS Tutorial - 34 - Higher Order Components (Part 2)
  35. 35- ReactJS Tutorial - 35 - Higher Order Components (Part 3)
  36. 36- ReactJS Tutorial - 36 - Render Props (Part 1)
  37. 37- ReactJS Tutorial - 37 - Render Props (Part 2)
  38. 38- ReactJS Tutorial - 38 - Context (Part 1)
  39. 39- ReactJS Tutorial - 39 - Context (Part 2)
  40. 40- ReactJS Tutorial - 40 - Context (Part 3)
  41. 41- ReactJS Tutorial - 41 - HTTP and React
  42. 42- ReactJS Tutorial - 42 - HTTP GET Request
  43. 43- ReactJS Tutorial - 43 - HTTP Post Request
  44. 44- How To Build a $5,000 React website with AI
  45. 45- React Hooks Tutorial - 1 - Introduction
  46. 46- React Hooks Tutorial - 2 - useState Hook
  47. 47- React Hooks Tutorial - 3 - useState with previous state
  48. 48- React Hooks Tutorial - 4 - useState with object
  49. 49- React Hooks Tutorial - 5 - useState with array
  50. 50- React Hooks Tutorial - 6 - useEffect Hook
  51. 51- React Hooks Tutorial - 7 - useEffect after render
  52. 52- React Hooks Tutorial - 8 - Conditionally run effects
  53. 53- React Hooks Tutorial - 9 - Run effects only once
  54. 54- React Hooks Tutorial - 10 - useEffect with cleanup
  55. 55- React Hooks Tutorial - 11 - useEffect with incorrect dependency
  56. 56- React Hooks Tutorial - 12 - Fetching data with useEffect Part 1
  57. 57- React Hooks Tutorial - 13 - Fetching data with useEffect Part 2
  58. 58- React Hooks Tutorial - 14 - Fetching data with useEffect Part 3
  59. 59- React Hooks Tutorial - 15 - useContext Hook Part 1
  60. 60- React Hooks Tutorial - 16 - useContext Hook Part 2
  61. 61- React Hooks Tutorial - 17 - useContext Hook Part 3
  62. 62- React Hooks Tutorial - 18 - useReducer Hook
  63. 63- React Hooks Tutorial - 19 - useReducer (simple state & action)
  64. 64- React Hooks Tutorial - 20 - useReducer (complex state & action)
  65. 65- React Hooks Tutorial - 21 - Multiple useReducers
  66. 66- React Hooks Tutorial - 22 - useReducer with useContext
  67. 67- React Hooks Tutorial - 23 - Fetching data with useReducer Part 1
  68. 68- React Hooks Tutorial - 24 - Fetching data with useReducer Part 2
  69. 69- React Hooks Tutorial - 25 - useState vs useReducer
  70. 70- React Hooks Tutorial - 26 - useCallback Hook
  71. 71- React Hooks Tutorial - 27 - useMemo Hook
  72. 72- React Hooks Tutorial - 28 - useRef Hook Part 1
  73. 73- React Hooks Tutorial - 29 - useRef Hook Part 2
  74. 74- React Hooks Tutorial - 30 - Custom Hooks
  75. 75- React Hooks Tutorial - 31 - useDocumentTitle Custom Hook
  76. 76- React Hooks Tutorial - 32 - useCounter Custom Hook
  77. 77- React Hooks Tutorial - 33 - useInput Custom Hook
  78. 78- How To Debug React Apps
  79. 79- React Render Tutorial - 1 - Introduction
  80. 80- React Render Tutorial - 2 - Rendering
  81. 81- React Render Tutorial - 3 - useState
  82. 82- React Render Tutorial - 4 - useReducer
  83. 83- React Render Tutorial - 5 - State Immutability
  84. 84- React Render Tutorial - 6 - Parent and Child
  85. 85- React Render Tutorial - 7 - Same Element Reference
  86. 86- React Render Tutorial - 8 - React memo
  87. 87- React Render Tutorial - 9 - Questions on Optimization
  88. 88- React Render Tutorial - 10 - Incorrect memo with children
  89. 89- React Render Tutorial - 11 - Incorrect memo with Impure Component
  90. 90- React Render Tutorial - 12 - Incorrect memo with props Reference
  91. 91- React Render Tutorial - 13 - useMemo and useCallback
  92. 92- React Render Tutorial - 14 - Context
  93. 93- React Render Tutorial - 15 - Context and memo
  94. 94- React - 16 - Context and Same Element Reference
  95. 95- React TypeScript Tutorial - 1 - Introduction
  96. 96- React TypeScript Tutorial - 2 - Getting Started
  97. 97- React TypeScript Tutorial - 3 - Typing Props
  98. 98- React TypeScript Tutorial - 4 - Basic Props
  99. 99- React TypeScript Tutorial - 5 - Advanced Props
  100. 100- React TypeScript Tutorial - 6 - Event Props
  101. 101- React TypeScript Tutorial - 7 - Style Props
  102. 102- React TypeScript Tutorial - 8 - Prop Types and Tips
  103. 103- React TypeScript Tutorial - 9 - useState Hook
  104. 104- React TypeScript Tutorial - 10 - useState Future Value
  105. 105- React TypeScript Tutorial - 11 - useState Type Assertion
  106. 106- React TypeScript Tutorial - 12 - useReducer Hook
  107. 107- React TypeScript Tutorial - 13 - useReducer Strict Action Types
  108. 108- React TypeScript Tutorial - 14 - useContext Hook
  109. 109- React TypeScript Tutorial - 15 - useContext Future Value
  110. 110- React TypeScript Tutorial - 16 - useRef Hook
  111. 111- React TypeScript Tutorial - 17 - Class Component
  112. 112- React TypeScript Tutorial - 18 - Component Prop
  113. 113- React TypeScript Tutorial - 19 - Generic Props
  114. 114- React TypeScript Tutorial - 20 - Restricting Props
  115. 115- React TypeScript Tutorial - 21 - Template Literals and Exclude
  116. 116- React TypeScript Tutorial - 22 - Wrapping HTML Elements
  117. 117- React TypeScript Tutorial - 23 - Extracting a Components Prop Types
  118. 118- React TypeScript Tutorial - 24 - Polymorphic Components
  119. 119- React TypeScript Tutorial - 25 - Wrapping up
  120. 120- React Interview Questions A Preparation Guide
  121. 121- Learn react-admin in 30 minutes