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  • رقم الدرس : 42
  • 00:06:08
  • Estimating VaR Using The Parametric Method - Value At Risk In Excel

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  1. 1- Create A Monthly Amortisation Table - Mortgage Repayment Calculator In Excel (Part 1 of 3)
  2. 2- Make Amortisation Table Dynamic With VBA - Mortgage Repayment Calculator In Excel (Part 2 of 3)
  3. 3- Insert Charts And Compare Mortgage Options - Mortgage Repayment Calculator In Excel (Part 3 of 3)
  4. 4- Create A Personal Budget In Excel In Under 10 Minutes - Using RANDBETWEEN, SUM And COMBO Charts
  5. 5- Calculate UK National Insurance Using VLOOKUP In Excel – Progressive System
  6. 6- Calculate UK Income Tax Using VLOOKUP In Excel - Progressive Tax Rate
  7. 7- Create A Live Currency Converter In Excel - Extract Currency Data Online
  8. 8- Variable Rate Mortgage Repayment Calculator - Build An Amortisation Table In Excel
  9. 9- Calculate UK Self-Employed National Insurance Contributions Using VLOOKUP In Excel (2020/21)
  10. 10- Compound Interest Calculator In Excel - Calculate Savings Using FV Function
  11. 11- How To Calculate CAGR In Excel (Compound Annual Growth Rate)
  12. 12- Calculate Risk And Return Of A Two-Asset Portfolio In Excel (Expected Return And Standard Deviation)
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  14. 14- Calculate The Minimum Risk Two Stock Portfolio Using SOLVER In Excel
  15. 15- Calculate The Future Value Of An Investment With Variable Returns In Excel Using FVSCHEDULE
  16. 16- Calculate Net Present Value To Decide Between Two Projects In Excel - NPV Function
  17. 17- Calculate Net Present Value When Cash Flows Occur Irregularly - XNPV Function
  18. 18- Calculate The Beta Of A Portfolio In Excel - The Excel Hub
  19. 19- Calculate Scottish Income Tax 2021-22 Using VLOOKUP In Excel - Progressive Tax System
  20. 20- How To Calculate Depreciation Using The Straight Line Method In Excel
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  26. 26- YouTube Earnings Calculator Calculate Earnings Using Daily Views And CPM In Excel
  27. 27- Calculate The Macaulay Duration Of A Bond In Excel
  28. 28- Calculate The Effective Annual Rate In Excel Using The EFFECT Function
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  30. 30- Calculate 2021-22 UK National Insurance - Using VLOOKUP In Excel
  31. 31- Calculate 2022-23 UK Income Tax - Using VLOOKUP In Excel
  32. 32- Calculate Risk And Return Of A 3-Asset Portfolio In Excel (Expected Return And Standard Deviation)
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  34. 34- How To Graph Active Exposures Of A Fund In Excel - The Excel Hub
  35. 35- Automate Investment Commentary - Dynamic Reporting On Stock Performance In Excel
  36. 36- Mortgage Rate Change Calculator - Assess Impact Of Rising Interest Rates On Monthly Payments
  37. 37- Calculate 2023-24 UK National Insurance In Excel - The Excel Hub
  38. 38- Calculate CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) For An Investment Period Over A Period Of Days In Excel
  39. 39- Calculate 2023-24 UK Income Tax – Using VLOOKUP In Excel
  40. 40- Create A Residual Income Model To Value A Stock In Excel - The Excel Hub
  41. 41- Create A Dividend Discount Model To Value A Stock In Excel - The Excel Hub
  42. 42- Estimating VaR Using The Parametric Method - Value At Risk In Excel
  43. 43- Estimating VaR Using The Historical Simulation Method - Value At Risk In Excel
  44. 44- How To Calculate And Plot Bollinger Bands In Excel - The Excel Hub
  45. 45- Calculate 2024-25 UK Income Tax – Using VLOOKUP In Excel
  46. 46- Yield Curve Analysis And Fixed Income Strategies For Beginners In Excel
  47. 47- How To Create And Analyse A Basic Fixed Income Portfolio In Excel