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Vue JS | Vuejs Wisdom

Vuejs Wisdom

Vuejs Wisdom

Hello Everyone,. In this channel i will discuss many topics about vuejs framework, so you will find many courses teaching you how to start from zero to hero in the right way and the updated uses and syntax, Keep following and stay tuned..

تفاصيل الكورس

دروس الكورس

  1. 1 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 1- Intruduction 00:06:54
  2. 2 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 2- instalation and data 00:09:38
  3. 3 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 3- Methods 00:04:38
  4. 4 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 4- Data Binding 00:05:36
  5. 5 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 5- Events 00:06:51
  6. 6 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 6- Events Modifiers 00:04:15
  7. 7 | Learn vuejs in arabic 2023 - 7- Keyboard Events & Modifiers 00:04:51
  8. 8 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 8- Two Way Data Binding 00:07:54
  9. 9 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 9- Two Way Data Binding Practice 00:11:29
  10. 10 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 10- Computed Property 00:11:12
  11. 11 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 11- Dynamic Classes & Style 00:12:02
  12. 12 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 12- If Conditions & V-Show 00:11:04
  13. 13 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 13- Looping Data (V-For) 00:11:41
  14. 14 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 14- Looping Data (V-For) Practice 00:10:46
  15. 15 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 15- Looping Data (V-For) - Nested Loop 00:08:24
  16. 16 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 16- Multiple Vue Instances 00:08:15
  17. 17 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 17- Refs 00:05:54
  18. 18 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 18- Components (Big Intro) 00:10:35
  19. 19 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 19- Vue-CLI (Installation) 00:17:00
  20. 20 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 20- Vue-CLI (Project Files) 00:14:24
  21. 21 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 21- Vue-Cli (Views & Routes) 00:15:48
  22. 22 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 22- Vue-Cli (Components part one) 00:15:20
  23. 23 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 23- Vue-cli (Components part two) 00:10:04
  24. 24 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 24- Vue-Cli (Scoped && Lang) 00:06:08
  25. 25 | Learn Vuejs in Arabic 2023 - 25- Vue-Cli (Props) 00:12:08
  26. 26 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 26- Vue Cli (Primitive Data Type VS Reference Data tybe) 00:10:27
  27. 27 | Learn Vuejs in Arabic 2023 - 27- Vue Cli (Events Emit) 00:09:37
  28. 28 | Learn Vuejs in Arabic 2023 - 28- Vue Cli (Component Lifecycle Hooks) 00:15:55
  29. 29 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 29- Vue Cli (Slot) 00:11:00
  30. 30 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 30- Vue Cli (Toggle Components && Keep data) 00:07:30
  31. 31 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 31- Vue Cli (V-Model Part One) 00:13:37
  32. 32 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 32- Vue Cli (V Model Part Two) 00:16:09
  33. 33 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 33- Vue-Cli (V-Model Part Three) 00:25:34
  34. 34 | Learn Vuejs In arabic 2023 - 34- Vue-Cli (Http Requests part One) 00:08:06
  35. 35 | Learn Vuejs in Arabic 2023 - 35- Vue-Cli (Http Requests part Two) 00:22:06
  36. 36 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 36- Vue Cli (Custom Directives Part One) 00:08:28
  37. 37 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 37- Vue-Cli (Custom Directives Part Two) 00:04:00
  38. 38 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 38- Vue-Cli (Mixins) 00:08:24
  39. 39 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 39- Vue-Cli (Computed) 00:09:20
  40. 40 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 40- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & Create Route) 00:09:44
  41. 41 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 41- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & Router Link) 00:11:57
  42. 42 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 42- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & Hash Mood vs History Mood) 00:04:20
  43. 43 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 43- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & Push Function) 00:07:03
  44. 44 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 44- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & Options) 00:08:57
  45. 45 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 45- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & Go Function) 00:05:40
  46. 46 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 46- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & Replace Function) 00:02:36
  47. 47 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 47- Vue-Cli (Vue-Router & hasRoute Function) 00:02:16
  48. 48 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 -48- Vue-cli (Vue-Router & beforeEach - afterEach Functions) 00:09:48
  49. 49 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 49- Vue-Cli (Route Object) 00:04:27
  50. 50 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 50- Vue-Cli (Route & Dynamic Route - Params) 00:09:56
  51. 51 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 51- Vue-Cli (Route & Query) 00:05:27
  52. 52 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 52- Vue-Cli (Route & Params - Query Advanced Example) 00:06:51
  53. 53 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 53- Vue-Cli (Route & Nested Routes) 00:13:40
  54. 54 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 54- Vue-Cli (Route & Page Not Found) 00:05:37
  55. 55 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 55- Vue-Cli (Watchers) 00:13:46
  56. 56 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 56- Vue-Cli (Provide & Inject) 00:15:54
  57. 57 | Learn Vuejs In Arabic 2023 - 57- Event Bus 00:08:20
  58. 58 | Learn Vuejs in Arabic 2023 - 58- End Of The Course 00:08:41
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