Never stop talking " STOP the Gaza Genocide "

ادارة الموارد البشرية (HR) | Armin Trost

Armin Trost

Armin Trost

Dr. Armin Trost is a professor for HRM. In 2013 the leading german HR journal Personalmagazin ranked him among the top thought leaders in HR for the fourth time in a row. He's the author and editor of multiple books and many articles around modern HR and a regular author at Harvard Business Manager. He is a well known keynote-speaker on leading congresses about HR and leadership.

تفاصيل الكورس

  • دروس الكورس20
  • مدة الكورس24س 14د
  • عدد الطلاب8
  • اللغةEnglish
  • لا يحتاج متطلب سابق
  • (2)
  • ادرس الكورس مجانا