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Video of Complete Lens Course The Best Kubernetes IDE for DevOps in Kubernetes course by KodeKloud channel, video No. 33 free certified online
This video is about the introduction to Lens, the Kubernetes IDE. The world's most popular Kubernetes IDE. Kubernetes IDE allows you to take full situational awareness of all the things that are happening within your Kubernetes cluster. Lens is 100% free and open-source.
Lens Course Details:
The journey with Kubernetes can be challenging, the learning curve is steep and takes some time to fully understand and get the return on investment.
This is where Lens comes in to help you, it is a user-friendly desktop application for all your Kubernetes platforms. It allows users to easily onboard and operate their applications in Kubernetes improving time to market, productivity, and increased ROI.
Lens makes it easy for anyone working with Kubernetes. It's perfect for developers who push proprietary code, need to observe that code, deploy the code, test it and troubleshoot it within the Kubernetes service.
The health and status of the Kubernetes clusters can be easily known by Lens. Lens provides all that you need to take control of your Kubernetes clusters. It's a standalone desktop app that is designed for Devs and Ops who need to work with k8s on a daily basis.
#CompleteLensCourse #KubernetesIDEforDevOps