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Video of 12 Namespaces Kubernetes Arabic Course in Kubernetes course by Ahmed ELBakry - Arabic channel, video No. 12 free certified online
# Kubernetes Namespaces Arabic عربي
In this tutorial, we'll be talking about "Namespaces". What's the Kubernetes namespace and why should we use them. I'll explain all the concepts related to namespaces and I'll answer the questions
When to use a single-tenant cluster?
When to use a multi-tenant cluster?
In the demo, I'll go through
List namespaces
Create namespaces
Switch namespaces.
Create objects in different namespaces
Namespaced resource vs non-namespaced resource
Access services in different namespaces.
Limit and isolate access with network policy
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كورس عربي Kubernetes from scratch - Hands-on
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