Never stop talking " STOP the Gaza Genocide "
  • Lesson.No : 06
  • 00:10:00
  • Computer Fundamentals - The Keyboard and Mouse - Learn How To Use a PC - Tips & Tricks for Beginners

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Course Lessons

  1. 1- Computer Fundamentals - Basics for Beginners - Fundamental Computing Use Tutorial - Basic Tutorials
  2. 2- Computer Fundamentals - Hardware vs Software - Learn How to Use Computers & Basics for Beginners PC
  3. 3- Computer Fundamentals - Computer Uses - What Can you do with Computers - Technology Tutorials PC Mac
  4. 4- Computer Fundamentals - Types of Computers - Different Personal Computer All Type Desktop Laptop PC
  5. 5- Computer Fundamentals - Setting Up a Computer - How to Set a Desktop Computers and How to Plug In PC
  6. 6- Computer Fundamentals - The Keyboard and Mouse - Learn How To Use a PC - Tips & Tricks for Beginners
  7. 7- Computer Fundamentals - Hardware - Computer Cases - Ports on PC Case - What is USB HDMI and VGA Port
  8. 8- Computer Fundamentals - Windows 10 & Mac OS X - How to Use MS Microsoft and Apple Operating Systems
  9. 9- Computer Fundamentals - Windows 10 Desktop Graphical User Interface
  10. 10- Computer Fundamentals - Printers - What is a Printer? USB Wireless and Parallel Port for PC and Mac
  11. 11- Computer Fundamentals - Mobile Devices - Handheld Computers - Tablets Smartphones iOS and Android
  12. 12- Computer Fundamentals - Boot Up - What is the Boot Up Process on a Computer? Sign In Screen PC & Mac
  13. 13- Computer Fundamentals - How to Get Your Computer Questions Answered
  14. 14- Computer Fundamentals - Undo & Redo Shortcut Keys - ctrl Z Control Z ctrl+z ctrl-z ctrl + Z ctrl y
  15. 15- Computer Fundamentals - Routers VS. Modems - What is the Difference Between a Router and a Modem? PC
  16. 16- Computer Fundamentals - Cloud Storage - What is Online Storage and How Does it Work Explained Google
  17. 17- Computer Fundamentals - Choosing an Internet Service Provider
  18. 18- Computer Fundamentals - Internet Services Tutorial - Types of Web Connections and Service - Basics
  19. 19- Computer Fundamentals - Browsing the Web
  20. 20- Google Chrome - Advanced Search - How to Use Web Engine Settings to Filter Searching Results on PC
  21. 21- Computer Fundamentals - Why Use the Cloud
  22. 22- Windows 10 - OneDrive - Microsoft One Drive Cloud Storage Tutorial - Sync Files in to File Explorer
  23. 23- Computer Fundamentals - File Management - Folders and Subfolders Structure - Windows 10 and Mac OS X
  24. 24- Computer Fundamentals - Delete & Restore Files - Permanently Remove File - Recycling Bin Windows 10
  25. 25- Computer Fundamentals - Run a Disk Cleanup - Computer Basics - Protecting your Computer
  26. 26- Computer Fundamentals - How to Disable Programs Running on Startup
  27. 27- Computer Fundamentals - Troubleshoot Common Computer Problems
  28. 28- Computer Fundamentals - Inside a Computer - What Hardware Parts are In a Computer & What do they do?
  29. 29- Computer Fundamentals - Laptop Computers - What are Laptops? What is a Notebook Mac and Windows PC
  30. 30- Computer Fundamentals - File Extensions & Types - How to Show & Change Files Extension in Windows 10
  31. 31- Computer Fundamentals - Downloading and Uploading - What is Upload and Download - How to on Chrome
  32. 32- Computer Fundamentals - Free Software
  33. 33- Computer Fundamentals - PDF Format - What is a PDF File? How To Use Create & Make PDF Files in Word
  34. 34- Computer Fundamentals - Operating Systems - Desktop & Mobile OS - Microsoft Windows Mac Fundamental
  35. 35- Computer Fundamentals - Applications - What is a Desktop Application - Mobile and Web Apps - PC Mac
  36. 36- Computer Fundamentals - Windows 10 - How to Update Operating System or Microsoft Office PC Software
  37. 37- Computer Fundamentals - What To Do If Your Computer Gets a Virus
  38. 38- Computer Fundamentals - Install Software in Windows 10 - How to Download Programs on Laptop Computer
  39. 39- Computer Fundamentals - Power Cycle - How to Fix Internet Connection Problems - Modem & Router on PC
  40. 40- Computer Fundamentals - Keeping Your Computer Clean
  41. 41- Computer Fundamentals - Protecting Your Computer
  42. 42- Computer Fundamentals - Creating a Safe Workspace
  43. 43- Computer Fundamentals - Keep an Old Computer Running Smoothly
  44. 44- Computer Fundamentals - Uninstalling Software from Your Windows PC
  45. 45- Computer Fundamentals - What is a Web App?