Never stop talking " STOP the Gaza Genocide "
  • Lesson.No : 12
  • 00:39:14
  • #011 OOP - Properties in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #property

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Course Lessons

  1. 1- #000 Mastering C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #csharp
  2. 2- #001 Introduction to C#.NET [ شرح بالعربي ] #metigator #csharp
  3. 3- #002 Solution And Project in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #metigator #solution #project #csproj #sln
  4. 4- #003 Variables in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #variables #local #global #metigator
  5. 5- #004 Boolean Types & Operators in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #metigator #bool #logicaloperators
  6. 6- #005 Arrays in C# [ شرح بالعربي ]
  7. 7- #006 Expressions in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #metigator #expression
  8. 8- #007 Casting / Type Conversion in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #casting #boxing #convert #parse
  9. 9- #008 OOP - Field & Constant in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #field #constant
  10. 10- #009 OOP - Methods in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #methods #byvalue #byreference
  11. 11- #010 OOP - Constructor in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #constructor
  12. 12- #011 OOP - Properties in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #property
  13. 13- #012 OOP - Indexers in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #indexer
  14. 14- #013 Delegate in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #delegate
  15. 15- #014 OOP - Events in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #event
  16. 16- #015 OOP - Operator Overloading [ شرح بالعربي ] #operator #overloading
  17. 17- #016 OOP - Finalizer in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #finalizer #destructor #garbagecollection
  18. 18- #017 Nested Types in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #nestedtypes
  19. 19- #018 Debugging in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #debugging #logical #runtime #syntax
  20. 20- #019 Struct in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #struct #valuetype
  21. 21- #020 Enums in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #enum
  22. 22- #021 Inheritance in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #inheritance #oop
  23. 23- #022 Interface in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #interface #oop
  24. 24- #023 Generics in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #generics
  25. 25- #024 Generic Delegate Type in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #func #predicate #action
  26. 26- #025 Exceptions in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #exceptionhandling
  27. 27- #026 Enumerators Iterators in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #ienumerator #ienumerable #icomparable
  28. 28- #027 XML Documentation in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #documentation #xml
  29. 29- #028 Extension Methods in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #extension #methods
  30. 30- #029 Assemblies in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #assemblies
  31. 31- #030 Reflection And Metadata in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #reflection #metadata
  32. 32- #031 Attributes in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #attribute
  33. 33- C# [032] Lists And Dictionaries
  34. 34- #033 Stack and Queue in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #datastructures #stack #queue
  35. 35- #034 LinkedList HashSet SortedSet C#[ شرح بالعربي ] #datastructures #hashset #linkedlist #SortedSet
  36. 36- #035 Stream I/O in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #io #stream #files
  37. 37- #036 Nuget Packages and Packaging in C#[ شرح بالعربي ] #nuget #packaging
  38. 38- #037 Threading in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #threading #concurrency
  39. 39- #038 Asynchronous Programming in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #async #await #thread #task
  40. 40- #039 Serialization in C#.NET [ شرح بالعربي ] #serialization
  41. 41- #040 C# Foreach / Yield Deep Dive [ شرح بالعربي ] #foreach #yield #ienumerable
  42. 42- #041 Records in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #record
  43. 43- #042 Top Level statement in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #top_level_statement
  44. 44- #043 Working with NULL in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] #nullable_reference_types
  45. 45- #044 Strings in C# - Deep Dive [ شرح بالعربي ] #string #reference_types
  46. 46- #45 StringBuilder in C# [ شرح بالعربي ] Deep Dive #stringbuilder
  47. 47- #046 Tuple Type #tuple #valuetuple #referencetype