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Design Patterns | Mohammed Reda

Mohammed Reda

Mohammed Reda

تعليم تقنيات الحاسوب والبرمجة ومناقشة افكار متجددة مع المتابعين . برمجة - فيجوال بيسك دوت نت - سى شارب دوت نت - سى ++ - جافا - اندرويد - ويب ابليكشن - واكثر واكثر .. design patterns شرح. للتواصل والمتابعة . Telegram chat with me. التواصل مباشرة معى عبر التليجرام. . Telegram channel. القناة على التليجرام. . Facebook Messenger. التواصل مباشرة معى عبر الماسنجر. Facebook Page. صفحة الفيس

Course Details

  • Course Lessons36
  • Course Period5h 19m
  • No.Students5
  • Languageعربي
  • Prerequisite OOP
  • (3)
  • Start Now for free

Course Lessons

  1. 1 | Introduction to software design patterns -1 00:06:46
  2. 2 | Introduction to software design patterns -2 00:08:03
  3. 3 | 3 - Creational Patterns - Singleton Pattern - Definition 00:11:47
  4. 4 | 4 - Singleton pattern implementation 00:08:08
  5. 5 | 5- Singleton Pattern - Lazy Initialization Implementation 00:02:04
  6. 6 | 6- Singleton Pattern UML 00:01:09
  7. 7 | 7- Thread Safety Singleton Pattern 00:04:57
  8. 8 | 8- Thread Safety Singleton Pattern Implementation 00:09:04
  9. 9 | 9- Prototype - Definition 00:07:53
  10. 10 | 10- Prototype - Implementation 00:10:20
  11. 11 | 11- Builder Patter - Definition 00:07:21
  12. 12 | 12- Builder Pattern UML 00:07:00
  13. 13 | 13- Builder Pattern - Implementation 00:14:28
  14. 14 | 14- Factory Method Pattern - Definition 00:06:11
  15. 15 | 15- Factory Pattern - Problem 00:05:25
  16. 16 | 16- Factory Method Pattern Implementation 00:12:19
  17. 17 | 17- Abstract Factory Pattern 00:10:21
  18. 18 | 1- Proxy Pattern - Definition 00:06:35
  19. 19 | 2- Proxy Pattern- Implementation 1 00:12:37
  20. 20 | 3- Proxy Pattern Implementation 2 00:06:37
  21. 21 | 4- Decorator Pattern 00:15:16
  22. 22 | 5- Adapter Pattern - Definition 00:08:20
  23. 23 | 6- Adapter Pattern - Example 00:12:32
  24. 24 | 7- Facade Pattern - Problem and definition 00:11:33
  25. 25 | 8- Facade Pattern - Problem Example 00:13:35
  26. 26 | 9- Facade Pattern - Implementation - 1 00:08:27
  27. 27 | 10- Facade Pattern - Implementation - 2 00:09:31
  28. 28 | 11- Flyweight Pattern 00:16:22
  29. 29 | Chain of Responsibility Pattern Problem & Definition 1 00:06:43
  30. 30 | Chain of Responsibility Pattern Problem & Definition 2 00:06:32
  31. 31 | Chain of Responsibility Pattern Problem & Definition 3 00:06:49
  32. 32 | Chain of Responsibility Pattern - Class Diagram 00:04:29
  33. 33 | CoR Pattern - Example1 00:10:44
  34. 34 | CoR Pattern - Example2 00:08:18
  35. 35 | CoR Pattern - Example3 00:13:34
  36. 36 | CoR Pattern - Example4 00:07:59
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