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JavaScript ES6 | Elzero Web School

Elzero Web School

Elzero Web School

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Course Details

Course Lessons

  1. 1 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #01 - Introduction and What Is ES6? 00:07:24
  2. 2 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #02 - New Way To Create Variable - Let 00:10:52
  3. 3 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #03 - New Way To Create Variable - Const 00:07:14
  4. 4 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #04 - Arrow Function - Syntax and Examples 00:10:14
  5. 5 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #05 - Arrow Function And This Value 00:09:48
  6. 6 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #06 - Template Literals 00:10:39
  7. 7 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #07 - Spread Operator 00:11:52
  8. 8 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #08 - Default Parameter 00:09:03
  9. 9 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #09 - Rest Parameter 00:09:29
  10. 10 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #10 - New String Methods - startsWith, endsWith 00:07:26
  11. 11 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #11 - New String Methods - Includes, Repeat 00:04:26
  12. 12 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #12 - Destructuring Object Part 1 00:08:13
  13. 13 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #13 - Destructuring Object Part 2 00:07:55
  14. 14 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #14 - Destructuring Array Part 1 00:09:03
  15. 15 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #15 - Destructuring Array Part 2 00:07:55
  16. 16 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #16 - Destructuring Array - Swap Variables 00:03:40
  17. 17 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #17 - Destructuring Mixed Content 00:07:04
  18. 18 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #18 - Destructuring Function Parameters 00:03:59
  19. 19 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #19 - Enhanced Object Literals 00:08:16
  20. 20 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #20 - Set vs Array 00:08:12
  21. 21 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #21 - Set Methods 00:04:49
  22. 22 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #22 - Map vs Object 00:08:37
  23. 23 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #23 - Map Methods 00:06:09
  24. 24 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #24 - Symbol Part 1 00:08:38
  25. 25 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #25 - Symbol Part 2 00:06:57
  26. 26 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #26 - forEach And Discussions 00:09:45
  27. 27 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #27 - forEach With Set And Map 00:05:42
  28. 28 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #28 - Set vs WeakSet And Garbage Collection 00:10:42
  29. 29 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #29 - Map vs WeakMap 00:09:05
  30. 30 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #30 - Symbol Iterator And For Of Loop 00:12:00
  31. 31 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #31 - Custom Iterable Object 00:07:02
  32. 32 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #32 - Generators Part 1 Intro And Whats Generators 00:09:56
  33. 33 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #33 - Generators Part 2 Functionality And Return 00:08:14
  34. 34 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #34 - Generators Part 3 Create Infinite Numbers 00:05:36
  35. 35 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #35 - Generators Part 4 Delegating Generators 00:03:31
  36. 36 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #36 - New Array Methods Part 1 00:08:53
  37. 37 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #37 - New Array Methods Part 2 00:07:12
  38. 38 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #38 - Modules - Part 1 Import & Export 00:05:38
  39. 39 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #39 - Modules - Part 2 Import All And Aliases 00:05:32
  40. 40 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #40 - Modules - Part 3 Named Export Vs Default Export 00:06:16
  41. 41 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #41 - Classes Part 1 Old and New Syntax 00:06:58
  42. 42 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #42 - Classes Part 2 Extend Class From Another Module 00:03:49
  43. 43 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #43 - Call Stack, Web API, Event Loop, Callback Queue 00:12:40
  44. 44 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #44 - Asynchronous vs Synchronous Programming 00:08:45
  45. 45 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #45 - Promise Intro And Discussions 00:07:35
  46. 46 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #46 - Create Your First Promise 00:09:22
  47. 47 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #47 - Then And Catch And Training 00:07:52
  48. 48 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #48 - Promise And XMLHTTPRequest 00:12:54
  49. 49 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #49 - Ignoring The Pyramid Of Doom 00:06:03
  50. 50 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #50 - Promise - Fetch And Training 00:06:33
  51. 51 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #51 - Promise - All And Race 00:06:59
  52. 52 | Learn ECMAScript 6 in Arabic #52 - The End And References 00:02:18
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    Ahmed Zamzam

    Hany Ibrahim

    Gamal Mohamed

    Mohamed hussien

    Ahmed Bakr


    Saud Bin

    Zeroual Ahmed


    Learn ECMAScript 6

    Learn ECMAScript 6 Standard and Relation with JavaScript