Never stop talking " STOP the Gaza Genocide "
  • رقم الدرس : 25
  • 00:06:32
  • Advanced C++: Namespace and Keyword "using"

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دروس الكورس

  1. 1- Advanced C++: const
  2. 2- Advanced C++: const and Functions
  3. 3- Advanced C++: Logic Constness and Bitwise Constness
  4. 4- Advanced C++: Compiler Generated Functions
  5. 5- Advanced C++: Disallow Functions
  6. 6- Advanced C++: Virtual Destructor and Smart Destructor
  7. 7- Advanced C++: Exceptions in Destructors
  8. 8- Advanced C++ 5: Virtual Function in Constructor or Destructor
  9. 9- Advanced C++: Assignment to Self in Assignment Operator
  10. 10- Advanced C++.Resource Acquisition is Initialization.
  11. 11- Advanced C++: Static Initialization Fiasco
  12. 12- Advanced C++: Struct Vs. Class
  13. 13- Advanced C++: Resource Managing Class
  14. 14- Advanced C++: Virtual Constructor - Clone() Function
  15. 15- Advanced C++: Define Implicit Type Conversion
  16. 16- Advanced C++: All Castings Considered - Part I
  17. 17- Advanced C++: All Castings Considered - Part II
  18. 18- Advanced C++: Inheritance - Public, Protected, and Private
  19. 19- Advanced C++: Maintain is-a Relation for Public Inheritance
  20. 20- Advanced C++: Understanding rvalue and lvalue
  21. 21- Advanced C++: Static Polymorphism
  22. 22- Advanced C++: Multiple Inheritance - Devil or Angel
  23. 23- Advanced C++: Duality Of Public Inheritance - Interface & Implementation
  24. 24- Advanced C++: Code Reuse - Inheritance vs Composition
  25. 25- Advanced C++: Namespace and Keyword "using"
  26. 26- Advance C++: Koenig Lookup - Argument Dependent Lookup (ADL)
  27. 27- Advanced C++: Koenig Lookup and Namespace Design
  28. 28- Advanced C++: Demystifying Operator new/delete
  29. 29- Advanced C++: How to Define new Handler