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  • رقم الدرس : 05
  • 00:04:14
  • Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners - Setup Kubernetes - kubeadm

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دروس الكورس

  1. 1- What Is Kubernetes - The Engine Behind Google's massive Container Systems KodeKloud
  2. 2- Kubernetes for Beginners - Docker Introduction in 15 Minutes KodeKloud
  3. 3- Kubernetes Architecture Simplified K8s Explained in 10 Minutes KodeKloud
  4. 4- Kubernetes Explained in 6 Minutes k8s Architecture KodeKloud
  5. 5- Kubernetes for the Absolute Beginners - Setup Kubernetes - kubeadm
  6. 6- YAML Explained: A Beginner's Guide in 10 Minutes
  7. 7- Learn & Implement Kubernetes: Kubernetes POD Definition with YAML
  8. 8- Kubernetes Pods with YAML - Demo
  9. 9- Get to Know Kubernetes - YAML - PyCharm Tips
  10. 10- Docker for Beginners - Commands vs Entrypoint - Kubernetes
  11. 11- Kubernetes - Services Explained in 15 Minutes!
  12. 12- Kubernetes Certification Practice Test - PODs
  13. 13- Kubernetes Certification Practice Test - ReplicaSets
  14. 14- Kubernetes For Beginners: Taints & Tolerations
  15. 15- Kubernetes For Beginners: Taints Tolerations vs Node Affinity
  16. 16- Kubernetes For The Absolute Beginners Course
  17. 17- Certified Kubernetes Applications Developer Get Kubernetes Certified Now
  18. 18- Learn Kubernetes Kubernetes Challenge Series - #1
  19. 19- Kubernetes - CKA - CKAD - Preparation Tips Explained
  20. 20- Preparing for the Kubernetes Certifications - CKA & CKAD
  21. 21- Certified Kubernetes Administrator Course with Practice Tests
  22. 22- Kubernetes Certification Course Get Certified - CKAD
  23. 23- Container Network Interface (CNI) Explained in 7 Minutes
  24. 24- Learn Kubernetes: Through Game of PODs
  25. 25- Certified Kubernetes Administrator with Mock Exams
  26. 26- GameOfPods #1 - Solution - Drupal on Kubernetes
  27. 27- Kubernetes Certification Tips - How to Pass Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam? Time Management
  28. 28- Kubernetes Tutorial: Why Do You Need StatefulSets in Kubernetes?
  29. 29- Kubernetes Certifications Deal - Get it!
  30. 30- Become a DevOps Engineer: Gain Free Work Experience!
  31. 31- Kubernetes Ingress Explained Completely For Beginners - Updated
  32. 32- Hacking a Kubernetes Cluster: A Practical Example!
  33. 33- Complete Lens Course The Best Kubernetes IDE for DevOps
  34. 34- Kubernetes API Fundamentals You Must Know!
  35. 35- Kubernetes Certification: CKAD September Updates and Study Guide!
  36. 36- Terraform Tutorial for Beginners + Labs: Complete Step by Step Guide!
  37. 37- Kubernetes Certification Updates PSI Exam Updates KodeKloud
  38. 38- 5 Kubernetes Features Every Beginner Must Know
  39. 39- What are Kubernetes Enhancement Proposals (KEPs)? Kubernetes KodeKloud
  40. 40- Kubernetes Monitoring Made Easy with Prometheus KodeKloud
  41. 41- Kubernetes Crash Course: Learn the Basics and Build a Microservice Application
  42. 42- Kubernetes Update 1.27: Chill Vibes Edition - Exploring the Latest Enhancements
  43. 43- Kubernetes SIGs: What They Are and How They Work KodeKloud
  44. 44- Kubernetes Update 1.28: Planternetes Edition - Exploring the Latest Enhancements
  45. 45- How to Create AKS Cluster in Azure AKS Cluster Creation & App Deployment (Demo)
  46. 46- 9 Kubernetes Security Best Practices You Should Know ‍ #shorts
  47. 47- Exploring Kubernetes 1.29 Updates - Mandala Universe KodeKloud
  48. 48- Kubernetes Operators Simplified Explanation #shorts
  49. 49- Kubernetes Secrets Management with ESO Kubernetes Tutorial KodeKloud
  50. 50- Kubernetes Volume Types #shorts
  51. 51- Secret Store CSI Driver Tutorial Kubernetes Secrets AWS Secrets Manager KodeKloud
  52. 52- Tilt for Kubernetes: Streamline Your Development Workflow
  53. 53- Kubernetes Security Testing : CIS Benchmarking with Kube-bench
  54. 54- Kubernetes Architecture Explained: Exploring etcd, Schedulers, Managers, and Node Components
  55. 55- Kubernetes v1.30 Release: What's New and Improved? Uwubernetes KodeKloud
  56. 56- Sealed Secrets: Safeguarding Your Kubernetes Secrets Step By Step Tutorial KodeKloud