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فيديو شرح Fruits in German - A1/A2 [with Niko] ضمن كورس اللغة اﻷلمانية | مستوى مبتدئ شرح قناة lingoni GERMAN، الفديو رقم 84 مجانى معتمد اونلاين
Do you like fruit or are you more the vegetable type? Vegetables will come later, but right now, it’s all about sweet, delicious fruit in German! Ready to learn more? Then let's get started! "Brombeeren wachsen im Wald." "Die Papayas sind exotisch."
Sign up NOW at https://de.lingoni.com to learn even more German with our PREMIUM content developed by German nativers speakers! You'll start chatting with your German friends, family, and business partners in no time!
Check out https://go.lingoni.com/studying-in-germany to find out everything you always wanted to know about German universities, life in Germany, and student visas! Best way to start planning your student life in Germany!
Learn German Grammar: https://elopage.com/s/EasyDeutsch/german-grammar-explained-easy?pid1081&prid46
Improve your German reading comprehension:
A1/A2 Book: https://amzn.to/3sOi9Ex
B1/B2 Book: https://amzn.to/3276ZBs
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Check out our other channels @lingoniENGLISH & @lingoniFRENCH !
00:00 Intro
02:24 die Avocado
03:55 die Birne
06:14 die Dattel
07:36 die Erdbeere
08:23 die Feige
09:01 der Granatapfel
11:17 die Himbeere
17:57 die Limette
19:11 die Mandarine
22:03 die Nektarine
22:47 die Orange
28:26 der Rhabarber
32:39 die Wassermelone
34:05 die Zitrone
#learnGerman #lingoniGERMAN #Germangrammar