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فيديو شرح Use Local Storage to Share Captivate Variables Between Projects ضمن كورس ادوبي كابتيفيت شرح قناة Paul Wilson's eLearning Tutorials، الفديو رقم 54 مجانى معتمد اونلاين
In this video, I show you how to export the contents of a user variable, such as a student name, to your browser's local storage and then recall the contents of that local storage in another Adobe Captivate 12 project.
FREE DOWNLOAD members of my YouTube channel or higher can download the project files used in this video.
Are you using Adobe Captivate Classic? Here is an older version of this video tutorial: https://youtu.be/WIDeL4IGYMk
You should use Visual Studio Code to double-check the syntax of your JavaScript. You can download it here:
Download Visual Studio Code: https://code.visualstudio.com/
Original video using Adobe Captivate Classic https://youtu.be/WIDeL4IGYMk
Community posts: https://www.youtube.com/@CaptivateTeacher/community
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Community posts including member downloads: https://www.youtube.com/@CaptivateTeacher/community
Free Captivate resources:
Custom Click to Reveal with Audio https://youtu.be/nEBTw4HymnI
Image editing improvements in Captivate 12.3: https://youtu.be/Zc_lNDJdOUA
All Captivate 12 tutorials: https://youtube.com/playlist?listPLAz1fjXAzQ34iTi26k057zlbcrkNM-EsC&sigGZ91GTxkFgUihRg
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#AdobeCaptivate #eLearning #OnlineLearning #HowToCaptivate
00:00 Introduction
00:54 Create two or more projects
01:30 Use an input field to capture contents for variable
02:01 Create a meaningful variable name
03:05 Add actions to export variable to local storage
05:47 Display the contents of the variable in your first module
07:02 Check to see if the variable and contents are stored in local storage
07:32 Publish the first module
08:18 Create a new variable in additional modules
08:51 Add actions to import local storage
10:19 Display the contents of local storage in the second module
10:57 Publish the second module
11:24 Preview the projects