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  • رقم الدرس : 59
  • 00:14:55
  • PHP Sessions & Cookies - Output Buffering - Headers Already Sent Warning - Full PHP 8 Tutorial

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دروس الكورس

  1. 1- Full PHP 8 Tutorial - Learn PHP The Right Way In 2024
  2. 2- How To Install PHP & What Are Web Servers - PHP 8 Tutorial
  3. 3- Basic PHP Syntax - PHP 8 Tutorial
  4. 4- What Are Constants & Variable Variables In PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  5. 5- PHP Data Types - Typecasting Overview & How It Works - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  6. 6- PHP Boolean Data Type - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  7. 7- PHP Integer Data type - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  8. 8- PHP Float Data Type - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  9. 9- PHP String Data Type - Heredoc & Nowdoc Syntax - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  10. 10- PHP Null Data Type - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  11. 11- PHP Array Data Type - Indexed, Associative & Multi-Dimensional Arrays - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  12. 12- What Are Expressions In PHP & How They Are Evaluated - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  13. 13- PHP Operators Part 1 - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  14. 14- PHP Operators Part 2 - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  15. 15- PHP Operator Precedence & Associativity - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  16. 16- Control Structures in PHP - Conditional Statements - if/else - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  17. 17- PHP Loops Tutorial - Break & Continue Statements - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  18. 18- PHP Switch Statement - Switch vs if/else statement - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  19. 19- PHP Match Expression - Match vs Switch - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  20. 20- PHP Return, Declare & Tickable Statements - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  21. 21- How To Include Files In PHP - Include and Require - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  22. 22- How To Create Functions In PHP - Functions Tutorial - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  23. 23- PHP Function Parameters - Named Arguments - Variadic Functions & Unpacking - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  24. 24- PHP Variable Scopes - Static Variables - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  25. 25- Variable, Anonymous, Callable, Closure & Arrow Functions In PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  26. 26- How To Work With Dates & Time Zones - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  27. 27- How To Work With Arrays In PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  28. 28- How To Work With PHPs Configuration File - PHP.INI - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  29. 29- PHP Error Handling & Error Handlers - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  30. 30- Basic Apache Webserver Configuration & Virtual Hosts - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  31. 31- Working With File System In PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  32. 32- Mini Exercise Project Overview - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  33. 33- Building Small Part Of The App With Procedural PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  34. 34- PHP OOP Tutorial Section 2 - Intro to Object Oriented Programming - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  35. 35- PHP Docker Tutorial - Nginx - PHPFPM VS Apache - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  36. 36- PHP Classes & Objects - Typed Properties - Constructors & Destructors - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  37. 37- Constructor Property Promotion - Nullsafe Operator - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  38. 38- PHP Namespace Tutorial - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  39. 39- PHP Coding Standards, Autoloading (PSR-4) & Composer - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  40. 40- Object Oriented PHP - Class Constants - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  41. 41- Static Properties & Methods In Object Oriented PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  42. 42- PHP - Encapsulation & Abstraction - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  43. 43- PHP - Inheritance Explained - Is Inheritance Good? - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  44. 44- PHP Abstract Classes & Methods - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  45. 45- PHP Interfaces & Polymorphism - Interfaces Explained - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  46. 46- What Are PHP Magic Methods & How They Work - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  47. 47- What Is Late Static Binding & How It Works In PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  48. 48- PHP Traits - How They Work & Drawbacks - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  49. 49- PHP Anonymous Classes - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  50. 50- PHP Variable Storage & Object Comparison - Zend Value (zval) - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  51. 51- PHP DocBlock - Adding Comments to Classes & Methods - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  52. 52- PHP - Object Cloning & Clone Magic Method - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  53. 53- PHP Serialize Objects & Serialize Magic Methods - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  54. 54- OOP Error Handling In PHP - Exceptions & Try Catch Finally Blocks - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  55. 55- PHP - DateTime Object - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  56. 56- PHP Iterators & Iterable Type - Iterate Over Objects - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  57. 57- PHP Superglobals - Basic Routing Using The Server Info - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  58. 58- Get & Post Superglobals In PHP - Forms - Post Routes - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  59. 59- PHP Sessions & Cookies - Output Buffering - Headers Already Sent Warning - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  60. 60- PHP File Uploads - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  61. 61- PHP MVC Pattern - View Parameters Exploit - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  62. 62- HTTP Headers In PHP - Request & Response Headers - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  63. 63- Intro To MySQL For PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  64. 64- PHP PDO Tutorial Part 1 - Prepared Statements - SQL Injection - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  65. 65- PHP PDO Tutorial Part 2 - Transactions - Env Variables & PHPDotEnv - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  66. 66- PHP PDO Tutorial Part 3 - Models & Refactoring - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  67. 67- Section 2 review & exercise project - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  68. 68- PHP OOP Tutorial Section 3 - Intro to Testing - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  69. 69- PHP Unit Testing - PHPUnit Tutorial - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  70. 70- PHPUnit Tutorial Part 2 - Mocking - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  71. 71- Dependency Injection & DI Containers - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  72. 72- Dependency Injection Container With & Without Reflection API Autowiring - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  73. 73- DI Container With Interface Support - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  74. 74- PHP Generators Explained - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  75. 75- PHP WeakMap Explained - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  76. 76- What's New In PHP 8.1 - Deprecations & Backward Incompatible Changes - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  77. 77- Covariance & Contravariance in PHP - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  78. 78- PHP Attributes - Simple Router With Attributes - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  79. 79- PHP Enums With Practical Examples - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  80. 80- Composition vs Inheritance in PHP With Practical Examples - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  81. 81- How to Send Email in PHP - Symfony Mailer - Email Protocols - Mailhog Setup - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  82. 82- How to Schedule Emails in PHP - Run Automated Scripts Using CRON - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  83. 83- Intro to Doctrine PHP - DataBase Abstraction Layer - Query Builder - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  84. 84- Doctrine ORM - PHP Entities & Data Mapper Pattern - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  85. 85- Doctrine ORM Query Builder - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  86. 86- What Are Database Migrations & How To Use Doctrine Migrations - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  87. 87- What is active record pattern & how Laravel implements it with Eloquent - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  88. 88- Refactor to use Eloquent instead of Doctrine DBAL - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  89. 89- PHP cURL API Tutorial - Emailable API Integration - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  90. 90- Refactor cURL to Guzzle With Retry Logic - Multiple API Integrations - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  91. 91- Data Transfer Objects - What Are DTOs - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  92. 92- Value Objects Practical Example - What is a Value Object? - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  93. 93- Intro to Templating Engines - Blade & Twig - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  94. 94- How To Install Xdebug 3 with Docker & PhpStorm - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  95. 95- How To Deploy Vanilla PHP To Cloudways - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  96. 96- Intro to Slim PHP Framework - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  97. 97- Slim Framework With PHP-DI & Doctrine ORM - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  98. 98- Little Refactoring Never Hurt Nobody - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  99. 99- How To Create CLI App & Commands - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  100. 100- 100th Video In This PHP Series - Project Overview - Full PHP 8 Tutorial
  101. 101- Set Up Expennies Project Locally - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  102. 102- Let's Do Some Data Modeling & Create Entities - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  103. 103- User Registration & Password Hashing - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  104. 104- Add Form Validation To User Registration - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  105. 105- Display Validation Errors & Keep Form Filled - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  106. 106- Session Based Authentication - Session Hijacking & Fixation - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  107. 107- How to Pass Authenticated User to the Request - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  108. 108- Implement Session Interface - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  109. 109- Sessions & Referrer URL Refactor - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  110. 110- Request Validation - Factory Design Pattern - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  111. 111- CSRF Explained - What Is Cross Site Request Forgery - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  112. 112- XSS Explained - What Is Cross Site Scripting - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  113. 113- Let's Build CRUD Actions For Categories - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  114. 114- First Ajax Request - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  115. 115- POST Ajax Requests With CSRF Fields - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  116. 116- Ajax Request Validation - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  117. 117- Display Errors Using JavaScript & Bootstrap - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  118. 118- DataTables & Pagination - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  119. 119- How To Securely Implement Sorting & Filtering - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  120. 120- Transactions CRUD Exercise Overview - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  121. 121- Upload Transaction Receipts With Proper File Validation - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  122. 122- Open Transaction Receipt Files - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  123. 123- Import Transactions Exercise Solution Overview - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  124. 124- Profiling for N+1 Queries - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  125. 125- Reduce Memory Consumption & Speed Up Imports - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  126. 126- Toggle Transaction Review Status - Minor Refactoring - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  127. 127- Decorating Entity Manager to Avoid Inheritance - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  128. 128- Implement Route Model Binding With Slim - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  129. 129- Implement Authorization Using Doctrine Filters - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  130. 130- Set Up Email Verification For New Users - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  131. 131- Secure User Verification Using Signed URLs - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  132. 132- Send Two-Factor Auth Code Via Email - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  133. 133- Implement Two-Factor Authentication Via Email - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  134. 134- Implement Forgot Password Functionality - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  135. 135- Implementing Caching with Redis - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  136. 136- Implementing Rate Limiting - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  137. 137- Uploading Files to S3 Bucket - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8
  138. 138- Final Exercise - Building Back-End For Dashboard - Build Expense Tracker App With PHP 8