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  • رقم الدرس : 67
  • 00:18:38
  • [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #67 - File System - Simple Training 1

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دروس الكورس

  1. 1- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #01 - Introduction And What's PHP
  2. 2- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #02 - What I Need
  3. 3- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #03 - Setup & Configure XAMPP
  4. 4- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #04 - Syntax
  5. 5- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #05 - Output [ Echo / Print ]
  6. 6- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #06 - Variables
  7. 7- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #07 - Concatenation
  8. 8- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #08 - Comments
  9. 9- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #09 - Data Type Overview
  10. 10- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #10 - Constants
  11. 11- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #11 - If, Elseif, Else
  12. 12- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #12 - Arithmetic Operators
  13. 13- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #13 - Assignment Operators
  14. 14- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #14 - Comparison Operators
  15. 15- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #15 - Increment / Decrement Operators
  16. 16- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #16 - Logical Operators
  17. 17- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #17 - Error Control Operator
  18. 18- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #18 - String Operators
  19. 19- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #19 - All Operators
  20. 20- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #20 - For Loop
  21. 21- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #21 - For Loop Advanced
  22. 22- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #22 - While Loop
  23. 23- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #23 - Do, While Loop
  24. 24- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #24 - Foreach Loop
  25. 25- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #25 - All Loop Practice
  26. 26- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #26 - Function Intro
  27. 27- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #27 - Function With Arguments
  28. 28- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #28 - Function With Return
  29. 29- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #29 - Function Return vs Echo
  30. 30- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #30 - Function Advanced
  31. 31- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #31 - Array Intro
  32. 32- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #32 - Array Indexed
  33. 33- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #33 - Array Associative
  34. 34- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #34 - Array Multidimensional
  35. 35- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #35 - Array Practice
  36. 36- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #36 - Array Methods - Search
  37. 37- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #37 - Array Methods - Add Items
  38. 38- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #38 - Array Methods - Remove Items
  39. 39- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #39 - Array Methods - Sort Indexed Array
  40. 40- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #40 - Array Methods - Sort Associative Array
  41. 41- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #41 - Array Methods - Shuffle, Reverse
  42. 42- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #42 - Array Methods - Array Fill
  43. 43- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #43 - Array Methods - Array Sum
  44. 44- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #44 - Array Methods - Array Rand
  45. 45- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #45 - Array Methods - Array Unique
  46. 46- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #46 - String Functions - Explode
  47. 47- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #47 - String Functions - Implode
  48. 48- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #48 - String Functions - Str_Split, Chunk_Split
  49. 49- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #49 - String Functions - Str_Replace
  50. 50- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #50 - String Functions - Str_[Repeat, Shuffle], StrLen
  51. 51- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #51 - String Functions - AddSlashes, Strip_Tags
  52. 52- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #52 - String Functions - StrToLower, StrToUpper
  53. 53- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #53 - String Functions - Trim
  54. 54- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #54 - String Functions - Str_Word_Count
  55. 55- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #55 - String Functions - Nl2br, Parse_Str
  56. 56- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #56 - String Functions - StrPos, StriPos, StrrPos
  57. 57- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #57 - String Functions - StrStr, StriStr, StrChr
  58. 58- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #58 - String Functions - Strcmp, StrnCmp, StrRev
  59. 59- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #59 - String Functions - SubStr
  60. 60- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #60 - String Functions - Substr_[Compare, Count]
  61. 61- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #61 - Control Structure - Include, Require
  62. 62- [ PHP 5 In Arabic ] #62 - Control Structure - Switch
  63. 63- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #63 - File System - Intro
  64. 64- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #64 - File System - File_Exists, Is_Writable
  65. 65- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #65 - File System - MkDir, RmDir, Is_Dir
  66. 66- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #66 - File System - Dirname, Basename
  67. 67- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #67 - File System - Simple Training 1
  68. 68- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #68 - File System - File Put Contents
  69. 69- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #69 - File System - File Get Contents
  70. 70- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #70 - File System - Rename, Copy
  71. 71- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #71 - File System - Pathinfo
  72. 72- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #72 - File System - Unlink, RmDir + Examples
  73. 73- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #73 - File System - Scandir
  74. 74- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #74 - File System - Fopen
  75. 75- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #75 - File System - Fread
  76. 76- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #76 - File System - Fwrite
  77. 77- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #77 - File System - Fseek
  78. 78- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #78 - File System - Fclose + Training 2
  79. 79- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #79 - Predefined Variables - Globals
  80. 80- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #80 - Predefined Variables - Server
  81. 81- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #81 - Predefined Variables - Get
  82. 82- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #82 - Predefined Variables - Post
  83. 83- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #83 - Predefined Variables - Request
  84. 84- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #84 - Cookies - Check If Cookie Is Enabled
  85. 85- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #85 - Cookies - Set Cookie + Examples
  86. 86- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #86 - Cookies - Modify, Delete Cookie + Training
  87. 87- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #87 - Session - Start Resume Session
  88. 88- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #88 - Session - Modify Session
  89. 89- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #89 - Session - End Destroy Session
  90. 90- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #90 - Session Training - Simple Counter
  91. 91- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #91 - Session Training - Simple Login
  92. 92- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #92 - Misc Functions - Sleep, uSleep + Examples
  93. 93- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #93 - Misc Functions - Exit, Die + Examples
  94. 94- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #94 - Misc Functions - Uniqid + Examples
  95. 95- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #95 - Filter - Whats Filter & Why To Use it
  96. 96- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #96 - Filter - Filter_Var Basics
  97. 97- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #97 - Filter - Filter_Var Advanced
  98. 98- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #98 - Filter - Validate vs Sanitize
  99. 99- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #99 - Date - Date Intro
  100. 100- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #100 - Date - Date Advanced
  101. 101- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #101 - Date - Strtotime
  102. 102- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #102 - What's Php.ini File
  103. 103- [ Learn PHP 5 In Arabic ] #103 - Outro & Where To Study