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فيديو شرح eCommerce Database Design: Diagram & Explanation ضمن كورس تصميم قواعد البيانات (ERD) شرح قناة Database Star، الفديو رقم 15 مجانى معتمد اونلاين
Bonus PDF: This ERD, descriptions of each table and column with sample data, and SQL scripts to create all of the tables on your own database: https://databasestar.mykajabi.com/lpkj-dbdesign/?utm_sourceviddesc&utm_mediumyoutube&utm_campaign61
Turn your idea into a real database: https://databasestar.mykajabi.com/edd/?utm_sourceviddesc&utm_mediumyoutube&utm_campaign61
An eCommerce database design is a good example of a real application that you can design a database for. It has some simple and common concepts such as users, and some complicated features such as products, attributes, and orders.
In this video, you will:
- See my database design for a fictional eCommerce database
- Learn what requirements will be included in the design
- See an explanation of each table, why it was designed this way, and what each column is used for
- Understand how tables are related, and why, to support the features of an eCommerce database
This is just one example of an eCommerce database design, and it’s how I would design one. You may have other ways of designing it - feel free to share in the comments below!
There are no SQL scripts to create this database, but if you want to create it, you can learn how to create an SQL script from a database design in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vF7IDTbentDs
00:00 Our requirements
01:23 Full design
01:46 Site user and address
03:53 Payment method
05:01 Products
11:02 Shopping cart
11:46 Order
13:55 User reviews
14:33 Promotions
ERD diagram shown in this video (a PNG file): https://dbshostedfiles.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/dsa/erd_ecommerce_database.png