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Matlab | Mohammed Mohammed

Mohammed Mohammed

Mohammed Mohammed

The videos I post on my channel are educational targeting chemical engineering students and graduates. I started the channel by posting a series of videos about Microsoft Excel and its applications in the field of chemical engineering such as mass and energy balance, momentum and mass transfer, phase equilibria and thermodynamics.. Later, I posted another series about basics of Matlab with applications in chemical engineering as well.. I post now videos for the courses I teach such as mass t

تفاصيل الكورس

  • دروس الكورس70
  • مدة الكورس14س 9د
  • عدد الطلاب2
  • اللغةعربي
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  • ادرس الكورس مجانا

دروس الكورس

  1. 1 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 01 Intro 00:09:23
  2. 2 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 02 Matrix operations 00:13:19
  3. 3 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 03 solving a set of linear algebraic equations 00:08:30
  4. 4 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 04 Defining function handle 00:08:23
  5. 5 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 05 Polynomial operations 00:19:36
  6. 6 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 06 Plotting in Matlab (1) 00:18:04
  7. 7 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 06-b axis formatting 00:08:29
  8. 8 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 07 plotting on loglog and semilog scales 00:06:35
  9. 9 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 08 Multiple plots in one figure 00:10:49
  10. 10 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 09 Plots - Saving plots 00:08:44
  11. 11 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 10 Plots - Function plots 00:05:18
  12. 12 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 11 Plots - Adding text and extracting data 00:05:38
  13. 13 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 12 Using plot tools 00:14:48
  14. 14 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 13 Data fitting tool 00:18:02
  15. 15 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 14 Least square fitting 00:07:41
  16. 16 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 14a - Data fitting toolbox installation 00:02:48
  17. 17 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 14 b - Data fitting using "fit" function 00:12:50
  18. 18 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 15 More options in Data fitting tool 00:06:46
  19. 19 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 16 m-files 00:10:17
  20. 20 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 17 User-defined functions 00:15:00
  21. 21 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 18 Example on m-file and UDF - Redlich-Kwong equation of state 00:21:24
  22. 22 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 19 String variables 00:08:02
  23. 23 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 20 disp, input functions and interactive programs 00:17:31
  24. 24 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 21 fprintf function 00:16:24
  25. 25 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 22 create tables using fprintf function 00:09:22
  26. 26 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 23 Solving non linear equations 00:08:13
  27. 27 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 24 Solving non linear equations - One equation in one variable 00:14:50
  28. 28 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 25 Solving non linear equations - solving a set of equations 00:07:56
  29. 29 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 26 fsolve tutorial - bubble and dew points for ideal mixture 00:17:05
  30. 30 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 27 Function minimization 00:06:59
  31. 31 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 28 Relational and operational statements 00:13:16
  32. 32 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 29 If conditional 00:11:54
  33. 33 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 30 for loop 00:18:17
  34. 34 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 30b Nested for loops 00:13:56
  35. 35 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 31 for loop tutorial - Ideal system phase diagram 00:13:13
  36. 36 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 32 While loop 00:09:10
  37. 37 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 33 While loop tutorial - friction factor vs Re number 00:07:18
  38. 38 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 34 Introduction to integration 00:13:49
  39. 39 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 35 - Analytical integration - int function 00:11:24
  40. 40 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 36 Analytical integration - dsolve function 00:14:15
  41. 41 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 37 Numerical integration - Trapezoidal rule 00:12:07
  42. 42 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 38 Numerical integration - quad and integral functions 00:15:59
  43. 43 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 39 Numerical integration - ode45 function 00:15:42
  44. 44 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 40 Numerical integration - orifice in open vs closed tanks 00:19:17
  45. 45 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 40b Numerical integration of coupled equations 00:20:39
  46. 46 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 40 c Overview on different "ode" functions in Matlab 00:12:42
  47. 47 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 41 Using Matlab help 00:08:05
  48. 48 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 42 McCabe Thiele diagram (1) - Equilibrium curve and q-line 00:17:23
  49. 49 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 43 McCabe Thiele diagram (2) - top and bottom section lines 00:20:30
  50. 50 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 44 McCabe Thiele diagram (3) - NTS in top section 00:18:17
  51. 51 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 45 McCabe Thiele diagram (4) - NTS in bottom section 00:16:35
  52. 52 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 46 fitting data that are hard-to-fit 00:19:38
  53. 53 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 47 McCabe Thiele diagram (5) - Check R_min for non ideal mixtures 00:13:30
  54. 54 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 48 McCabe Thiele diagram (6) - Recalculating R_min 00:06:54
  55. 55 | Introduction to Matalb in Arabic 49 McCabe Thiele diagram (7) Stages for non ideal systems 00:10:25
  56. 56 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 50 Local functions (1) - Introduction 00:07:41
  57. 57 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 51 Local functions (2) - Global variables 00:10:36
  58. 58 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 52 Local functions (3) - Bubble and dew points revisited 00:10:43
  59. 59 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 53 Matlab PDE Modeler - Intro (1) 00:19:03
  60. 60 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 54 Matlab PDE Modeler - Intro (2) 00:17:14
  61. 61 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 55 Matlab PDE Modeler - Introduction to the user interface 00:11:21
  62. 62 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 56 Drawing system geometry (1) 00:15:44
  63. 63 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 57 Matlab PDE Modeler - Drawing system geometry (2) 00:05:06
  64. 64 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 58 Matlab PDE Modeler - Defining boundary conditions 00:11:33
  65. 65 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 59 Matlab PDE Modeler - Geometry meshing 1 00:07:38
  66. 66 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 60 Matlab PDE Modeler - Geometry meshing (2) 00:01:50
  67. 67 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 61 Matlab PDE Modeler - Solving PDE (1) 00:11:52
  68. 68 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 62 Matlab PDE Modeler - Solving PDE 2 00:08:54
  69. 69 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 63 Matlab PDE Modeler - B.C. for symmetric geometries 00:04:17
  70. 70 | Introduction to Matlab in Arabic 64 Matlab PDE Modeler - Unsteady state PDE 00:13:17
    تقييمات الطلاب

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    Introduction to Matlab in Arabic

    This is an introductory course to Matlab with applications in chemical engineering. The course is available in Arabic and English language (another playlist).
    The course notes, files and presentations used in the videos, and references are available through this link: