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اساسيات الحاسب (A+) | Professor Adam Morgan

Professor Adam Morgan

Professor Adam Morgan

Instructor Bio:. My name is Adam Morgan and I teach Business Applications and Technology classes at Santa Ana College in California. I started using Microsoft Office 2003 at a forensic accounting firm as an administrative assistant. I also used Office 2007 and 2010 during my five years at the firm while earning my Bachelor's of Business from California State University, Fullerton. From there, I began working in logistics and supply chain management, and was hired primarily for MS Office expert

تفاصيل الكورس

  • دروس الكورس45
  • مدة الكورس3س 34د
  • عدد الطلاب51
  • اللغةEnglish
  • لا يحتاج متطلب سابق
  • (18)
  • ادرس الكورس مجانا

دروس الكورس

  1. 1 | Computer Fundamentals - Basics for Beginners - Fundamental Computing Use Tutorial - Basic Tutorials 00:03:22
  2. 2 | Computer Fundamentals - Hardware vs Software - Learn How to Use Computers & Basics for Beginners PC 00:02:04
  3. 3 | Computer Fundamentals - Computer Uses - What Can you do with Computers - Technology Tutorials PC Mac 00:01:56
  4. 4 | Computer Fundamentals - Types of Computers - Different Personal Computer All Type Desktop Laptop PC 00:07:14
  5. 5 | Computer Fundamentals - Setting Up a Computer - How to Set a Desktop Computers and How to Plug In PC 00:06:36
  6. 6 | Computer Fundamentals - The Keyboard and Mouse - Learn How To Use a PC - Tips & Tricks for Beginners 00:10:00
  7. 7 | Computer Fundamentals - Hardware - Computer Cases - Ports on PC Case - What is USB HDMI and VGA Port 00:03:50
  8. 8 | Computer Fundamentals - Windows 10 & Mac OS X - How to Use MS Microsoft and Apple Operating Systems 00:04:01
  9. 9 | Computer Fundamentals - Windows 10 Desktop Graphical User Interface 00:12:42
  10. 10 | Computer Fundamentals - Printers - What is a Printer? USB Wireless and Parallel Port for PC and Mac 00:02:21
  11. 11 | Computer Fundamentals - Mobile Devices - Handheld Computers - Tablets Smartphones iOS and Android 00:05:05
  12. 12 | Computer Fundamentals - Boot Up - What is the Boot Up Process on a Computer? Sign In Screen PC & Mac 00:01:49
  13. 13 | Computer Fundamentals - How to Get Your Computer Questions Answered 00:02:46
  14. 14 | Computer Fundamentals - Undo & Redo Shortcut Keys - ctrl Z Control Z ctrl+z ctrl-z ctrl + Z ctrl y 00:02:37
  15. 15 | Computer Fundamentals - Routers VS. Modems - What is the Difference Between a Router and a Modem? PC 00:03:13
  16. 16 | Computer Fundamentals - Cloud Storage - What is Online Storage and How Does it Work Explained Google 00:07:14
  17. 17 | Computer Fundamentals - Choosing an Internet Service Provider 00:05:10
  18. 18 | Computer Fundamentals - Internet Services Tutorial - Types of Web Connections and Service - Basics 00:02:32
  19. 19 | Computer Fundamentals - Browsing the Web 00:02:23
  20. 20 | Google Chrome - Advanced Search - How to Use Web Engine Settings to Filter Searching Results on PC 00:04:49
  21. 21 | Computer Fundamentals - Why Use the Cloud 00:02:34
  22. 22 | Windows 10 - OneDrive - Microsoft One Drive Cloud Storage Tutorial - Sync Files in to File Explorer 00:10:02
  23. 23 | Computer Fundamentals - File Management - Folders and Subfolders Structure - Windows 10 and Mac OS X 00:02:25
  24. 24 | Computer Fundamentals - Delete & Restore Files - Permanently Remove File - Recycling Bin Windows 10 00:04:54
  25. 25 | Computer Fundamentals - Run a Disk Cleanup - Computer Basics - Protecting your Computer 00:02:30
  26. 26 | Computer Fundamentals - How to Disable Programs Running on Startup 00:03:44
  27. 27 | Computer Fundamentals - Troubleshoot Common Computer Problems 00:02:41
  28. 28 | Computer Fundamentals - Inside a Computer - What Hardware Parts are In a Computer & What do they do? 00:04:11
  29. 29 | Computer Fundamentals - Laptop Computers - What are Laptops? What is a Notebook Mac and Windows PC 00:09:09
  30. 30 | Computer Fundamentals - File Extensions & Types - How to Show & Change Files Extension in Windows 10 00:04:28
  31. 31 | Computer Fundamentals - Downloading and Uploading - What is Upload and Download - How to on Chrome 00:05:48
  32. 32 | Computer Fundamentals - Free Software 00:06:50
  33. 33 | Computer Fundamentals - PDF Format - What is a PDF File? How To Use Create & Make PDF Files in Word 00:03:55
  34. 34 | Computer Fundamentals - Operating Systems - Desktop & Mobile OS - Microsoft Windows Mac Fundamental 00:05:45
  35. 35 | Computer Fundamentals - Applications - What is a Desktop Application - Mobile and Web Apps - PC Mac 00:03:45
  36. 36 | Computer Fundamentals - Windows 10 - How to Update Operating System or Microsoft Office PC Software 00:03:57
  37. 37 | Computer Fundamentals - What To Do If Your Computer Gets a Virus 00:07:40
  38. 38 | Computer Fundamentals - Install Software in Windows 10 - How to Download Programs on Laptop Computer 00:05:43
  39. 39 | Computer Fundamentals - Power Cycle - How to Fix Internet Connection Problems - Modem & Router on PC 00:02:07
  40. 40 | Computer Fundamentals - Keeping Your Computer Clean 00:05:06
  41. 41 | Computer Fundamentals - Protecting Your Computer 00:04:32
  42. 42 | Computer Fundamentals - Creating a Safe Workspace 00:04:16
  43. 43 | Computer Fundamentals - Keep an Old Computer Running Smoothly 00:06:22
  44. 44 | Computer Fundamentals - Uninstalling Software from Your Windows PC 00:04:38
  45. 45 | Computer Fundamentals - What is a Web App? 00:05:55
    تقييمات الطلاب

    ( 4.6 من 5 )

    ١٨ تقييم
    5 نجوم
    4 نجوم
    3 نجوم
    Mohamed Hassan

    Moneer Ahmad

    Ahmed Alshibani

    ربيع علي

    khaled Hassan


    Ahmed Mahboub

    Adham Nabil


    Computer Fundamentals

    This playlist is a tutorial and presentation based playlist that shows you computer fundamentals. I also have playlists on several other applications and topics, I encourage you to check them out.
    My goal is to provide you with the best learning environment possible, for all beginners of technology. Please see a list of topics below that my various playlists cover, and don't forget to like and subscribe!
    Computer Fundamentals:
    Computer Case Types - Dell Inspiron AMD 3656
    Printer Ports and Types
    The Boot Up Process
    How to Get Your Computer Questions Answered
    Undo Your Mistakes on Windows 10 or Apple Mac
    Routers vs. Modems
    What is the Cloud? Storage as a Service
    Types of Internet Services on Google Android or Apple iPhone
    Browsing the Web
    Why Use the Cloud?
    Microsoft OneDrive - Creating Uploading Downloading and Syncing
    Also, check out these other playlists to improve your Office 365 and Job Search Skills
    Word 2016:
    Create a New Document and Insert Text
    Insert and Format Graphics
    Insert and Modify Text Boxes
    Create a Table
    Format a Table
    Present a Word Document Online
    Create a Research Paper in MLA Format
    Insert Footnotes in a Research Paper
    Create Citations and a Bibliography
    Save a Document
    Correct Errors as You Type
    How to Format a Document in APA Format
    Excel 2016:
    Create, Save, and Navigate an Excel Workbook
    Enter Data in a Worksheet
    How do you Export Access to Excel and Apply Conditional Formatting
    Use Flash Fill, SUM, Average, Median, and MAX Functions and Formulas
    Move Data and Rotate Text
    Graph Data with a Pie Chart
    Format a Pie Chart
    MOS Prep - Basic Functions and Formulas
    Outlook 2016
    Basic Tutorial
    Job Search Skills:
    Values, Attitude, and Goals
    Video Requests:
    Download GMetrix Test Preparation Software
    Remember, the goal of my channel is for you to learn. You can request a video at any time in the comment section, and I will make the video for you. I will make tutorials and simulations and demos for whatever you'd like to learn in our class. So, I encourage you to make a request. I also YouTube Live Stream once a week to answer your questions!
    Instructor A Morgan