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C++ | Neso Academy

Neso Academy

Neso Academy

#RedefiningEducation. Embarking on a mission to make education accessible, we strive to offer free and subsidized learning opportunities. Our belief resonates with the notion that the true world of knowledge extends beyond the confines of expensive institutions. Dedicated to supporting you in every conceivable way, we take a small but impactful step towards educating the world. Together, let's redefine education and empower individuals on their educational odyssey. Join us and become an integr

تفاصيل الكورس

  • دروس الكورس50
  • مدة الكورس10س 22د
  • عدد الطلاب1
  • اللغةEnglish
  • لا يحتاج متطلب سابق
  • (1)
  • ادرس الكورس مجانا

دروس الكورس

  1. 1 | Introduction to C++ Programming 00:10:32
  2. 2 | Writing a Simple C++ Program 00:10:59
  3. 3 | Installing Source Code Editor and Compiler 00:14:35
  4. 4 | Compiling & Executing C++ Programs (Windows CMD) 00:12:18
  5. 5 | Compiling & Executing C++ Programs (VS Code) 00:13:42
  6. 6 | Input and Output in C++ 00:18:09
  7. 7 | Namespaces in C++ 00:12:37
  8. 8 | Comments in C++ 00:11:42
  9. 9 | Comments in C++ (Exercise) 00:10:19
  10. 10 | The 'while' Statement in C++ 00:15:18
  11. 11 | The 'for' Statement in C++ 00:11:49
  12. 12 | Reading an Unknown Number of Inputs in C++ 00:12:59
  13. 13 | The 'if-else' Statement in C++ 00:10:19
  14. 14 | The 'else-if' Statement in C++ 00:11:28
  15. 15 | C++ Program to Count Number of Consecutive Inputs 00:12:21
  16. 16 | Indentation and Formatting of C++ Programs 00:12:04
  17. 17 | Primitive Built-in Types in C++ 00:14:57
  18. 18 | Signed and Unsigned Types in C++ 00:14:46
  19. 19 | Machine-Level Representation of Built-in Types in C++ 00:14:06
  20. 20 | Type Conversions in C++ 00:15:04
  21. 21 | Literals in C++ 00:15:20
  22. 22 | Escape Sequences in C++ 00:12:13
  23. 23 | Variables in C++ 00:11:32
  24. 24 | Identifiers in C++ 00:11:20
  25. 25 | Scope of a Name in C++ 00:16:45
  26. 26 | Nested Scopes in C++ 00:11:06
  27. 27 | Compound Types in C++ (References) 00:19:26
  28. 28 | Compound Types in C++ (Pointers) 00:19:57
  29. 29 | const Qualifier in C++ 00:11:58
  30. 30 | References to const in C++ 00:13:13
  31. 31 | Pointers and const in C++ 00:15:58
  32. 32 | Top-Level and Low-Level const in C++ 00:19:28
  33. 33 | Constant Expressions 00:11:50
  34. 34 | Pointers and constexpr in C++ 00:10:54
  35. 35 | Type Aliases in C++ 00:08:28
  36. 36 | Pointers, const, and Type Aliases in C++ 00:08:32
  37. 37 | The auto Type Specifier in C++ 00:08:23
  38. 38 | The decltype Type Specifier in C++ 00:09:08
  39. 39 | decltype and References in C++ 00:11:11
  40. 40 | The string Data Type in C++ 00:10:34
  41. 41 | Operations on Strings (Part 1) 00:11:25
  42. 42 | Operations on Strings (Part 2) 00:12:45
  43. 43 | Operations on Strings (Part 3) 00:08:39
  44. 44 | Dealing with Characters in a String 00:06:50
  45. 45 | Processing Every Character in a String 00:10:20
  46. 46 | Processing Some Characters in a String 00:14:02
  47. 47 | The Vector Type in C++ 00:06:33
  48. 48 | Defining and Initializing Vectors in C++ 00:13:59
  49. 49 | Adding Elements to a Vector in C++ 00:08:49
  50. 50 | Some more Vector Operations in C++ 00:11:44
    تقييمات الطلاب

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    C++ Programming

    C++ is a general-purpose programming language created by Bjarne Stroustrup as an extension of the C programming language. It is essentially “C with Classes” making it a more powerful & feature-rich object-oriented programming language as compared to C. It can be used for developing a variety of programs ranging from simple programs to even highly complex software like browsers, games, and even operating systems.
    This course is designed to teach the C++ programming language from scratch while keeping the latest standards in mind. This course is for aspiring programmers and also for the students who are willing to study this as a part of their university/college curriculum.
    The list of topics to be covered in this course is as follows:
    1. Introduction
    a) Getting started with C++
    b) Installing compiler & IDE
    c) Compiling & executing programs
    d) Brief introduction to some basic topics
    2. Variables and Basic Types
    a) Primitive Built-in Types
    b) Variables
    c) Compound Types
    d) const Qualifier
    e) Dealing with Types
    3. Strings, Vectors, and Arrays
    a) Namespace using Declarations
    b) Library string Type
    c) Library vector Type
    d) Introducing Iterators
    e) Arrays
    f) Multidimensional Arrays
    4. Expressions
    a) Fundamentals
    b) Arithmetic Operators
    c) Logical and Relational Operators
    d) Assignment Operators
    e) Increment and Decrement Operators
    f) The Member Access Operators
    g) The Conditional Operator
    h) The Bitwise Operators
    i) The sizeof Operator
    j) Comma Operator
    k) Type Conversions
    l) The Arithmetic Conversions
    m) Operator Precedence
    5. Statements
    a) Simple Statements
    b) Statement Scope
    c) Conditional Statements (if, switch)
    d) Iterative Statements (while, for, do while)
    e) Jump Statements (break, continue, goto)
    f) try Blocks and Exception Handling
    6. Functions
    a) Function Basics
    b) Argument Passing
    c) Return Types and the return Statement
    d) Overloaded Functions
    e) Features for Specialized Uses
    f) Function Matching
    g) Pointers to Functions
    7. Classes
    a) Defining Abstract Data Types
    b) Access Control and Encapsulation
    c) Additional Class Features
    d) Class Scope
    e) Constructors Revisited
    f) static Class Members
    g) Defining our own Data Structures
    8. The IO Library
    a) The IO Classes
    b) File Input and Output
    c) string Streams
    9. Overloaded Operations and Conversions
    a) Basic Concepts
    b) Input and Output Operators
    c) Arithmetic and Relational Operators
    d) Assignment Operators
    e) Subscript Operator
    f) Increment and Decrement Operators
    g) Member Access Operators
    h) Function-Call Operator
    i) Overloading, Conversions, and Operators
    10. Object-Oriented Programming
    a) An Overview of OOP
    b) Defining Base and Derived Classes
    c) Virtual Functions
    d) Abstract Base Classes
    e) Access Control and Inheritance
    f) Class Scope under Inheritance
    g) Constructors and Copy Control
    h) Containers and Inheritance