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C++ | ‫محمد الدسوقى (‪Mohamed El Desouki‬‏)‬‎

‫محمد الدسوقى (‪Mohamed El Desouki‬‏)‬‎

‫محمد الدسوقى (‪Mohamed El Desouki‬‏)‬‎

تعلم علوم الحاسب باللغة العربية - لغات البرمجة و أوراكل - و أدرس مقررات قواعد البيانات الجامعية .

تفاصيل الكورس

  • دروس الكورس40
  • مدة الكورس18س 35د
  • عدد الطلاب279
  • اللغةعربي
  • لا يحتاج متطلب سابق
  • (52)
  • ادرس الكورس مجانا

دروس الكورس

  1. 1 | Online Compiler For C++ , Java and Other Programming Languages 00:03:50
  2. 2 | 1- Programming For Beginners - Introduction - البرمجة للمبتدئين 00:22:31
  3. 3 | 2- Your First Program in C++ , Variables, Data types, Cout, Cin - برمجة 01:01:32
  4. 4 | 3- Programming with C++ , Data Types , Arithmetic Operators, Expressions برمجة 01:01:51
  5. 5 | 4- Programming with C++ , IF , IF - Else , IF - Else If statements برمجة 01:08:11
  6. 6 | 5- Programming with C++ , Switch - Case - default statement برمجة 00:26:38
  7. 7 | 6- Programming with C++ , while loop , do while loop برمجة 00:36:49
  8. 8 | 7- Programming with C++ , For loop برمجة 00:39:42
  9. 9 | 8- Programming with C++ , Functions برمجة 01:25:09
  10. 10 | 9- Programming with C++ , Local , Global variables , Const , Automatic and Static برمجة 00:32:14
  11. 11 | 10- Programming with C++ , Arrays,Two dimensional array ,Array with Functions برمجة 01:20:39
  12. 12 | 11 - Programming with C++ , Struct , Struct with functions,Struct with arrays برمجة 00:35:56
  13. 13 | 12- C++ Revision , Exercises On Loops,Arrays,Functions,Structs برمجة 00:34:50
  14. 14 | Programming with C++ - Pointers in C++ 00:46:34
  15. 15 | 00 - Object Oriented Programming with C++ - Introduction 00:04:07
  16. 16 | 01 - C++ - What is object Oriented Programming ? - Part 1 00:19:03
  17. 17 | 02 - C++ - What is Object Oriented Programming ? - part 2 00:15:58
  18. 18 | 03 - C++ - Class and Objects , why we need Classes ? 00:15:18
  19. 19 | 04 - C++ - Create Your First Class - Part 1 00:17:34
  20. 20 | 05 - C++ - Create Your First Class - Part 2 00:19:05
  21. 21 | 06 - C++ - Create Your First Class - Part 3 00:23:24
  22. 22 | 07 - C++ - Constructor & Destructor - Part 1 00:15:03
  23. 23 | 08 - C++ - Constructor & Destructor - Part 2 00:18:14
  24. 24 | 09 - C++ - Method and Constructor Overloading - Part 1 00:14:47
  25. 25 | 10 - C++ - Method and Constructor Overloading - Part 2 00:09:54
  26. 26 | 11 - C++ - The default Copy Constructor 00:14:35
  27. 27 | 12 - C++ - Passing objects To Methods 00:16:36
  28. 28 | 13 - C++ - Static Class Members 00:22:09
  29. 29 | 14 - C++ - OOP - Operator Overloading 00:34:09
  30. 30 | 15 - C++ - OOP - Inheritance - What Is Inheritance ? 00:17:28
  31. 31 | 16 - C++ - OOP - Inheritance - How Inheritance Is Done in C++ ? 00:24:19
  32. 32 | 17 - C++ - OOP - Inheritance - Calling Base Class Constructors 00:17:53
  33. 33 | 18 - C++ - OOP - Inheritance - Function Overriding 00:20:39
  34. 34 | 19- C++ - OOP - Multiple Inheritance 00:13:03
  35. 35 | 20- C++ - OOP - Polymorphism and virtual Functions 00:23:00
  36. 36 | 21 - C++ - OOP - Abstract Class - Final Classifier 00:13:19
  37. 37 | 22 - C++ - OOP - Friend Function and Friend Class 00:16:23
  38. 38 | 23 - C++ - Revision on OOP Concepts by Example 00:29:41
  39. 39 | 24 - C++ - Exception Handling In C++ 00:34:00
  40. 40 | Free and Simple IDE for C & C++ Programming Languages - Code::Blocks 00:08:57
    تقييمات الطلاب

    ( 4.5 من 5 )

    ٥٢ تقييم
    5 نجوم
    4 نجوم
    3 نجوم

    amr hazem

    habiba mohamed

    Marwa Mohamed

    sara ramady

    Ahmed Hany

    Hady Karam

    Abdo.a. Essa

    فؤاد عبد

    programming 1 - Programming For Beginners - C++ عربى

    تعليم أساسيات البرمجة للمبتدئين بإستخدام لغة ++C