
نبذة عن CS50

CS50 هو منهج مخصص لتأسيس الطلاب وتجهيزهم لدخول عالم البرمجة وتم تحديد أجزاء المادة العلمية والعملية الخاصة بمنهج CS50 بعناية شديدة من طرف دكتور ديفيد ميلان ليصبح أفضل مادة علمية لدراسة أساسيات علوم الحاسب وبعد هذا الكورس تكون مؤهل لدراسة أحد تخصصات البرمجة بثبات وقوة .منهج CS50 لا يتطلب معرفة مسبقة ومصمم لجميع من لديهم الرغبة في دخول سوء عمل هندسة البرمجيات

تفاصيل الكورس

  • عدد الدروس 123
  • مدة الكورس 39h 43m
  • لغة الشرح عربي
  • عدد الطلاب 1463
  • لا يتطلب معرفة مسبقة
  • (67)
  • ادرس الكورس مجانا

يمكنك مذاكرة الدروس بعد التسجيل فى الكورس

دروس كورس CS50

  • 1 Introduction to Content of CS50 Course - cs50 محتوى كورس 00:20:53
  • 2 [0-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 0 00:06:00
  • 3 [0-1] CS50x In Arabic - Week 0 - What is computer Science ? 00:02:28
  • 4 [0-2] CS50x In Arabic - Week 0 - Binary System 00:11:47
  • 5 [0-3] CS50x In Arabic - Week 0 - Representing Data 00:13:54
  • 6 [0-4] CS50x In Arabic - Week 0 - Algorithms Overview 00:10:31
  • 7 [0-5] CS50x In Arabic - Week 0 - Pseudocode 00:06:18
  • 8 [0-6] CS50x In Arabic - Week 0 - Scratch 00:47:31
  • 9 [0-7] CS50x In Arabic - Problem Set 0 00:09:37
  • 10 [1-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 1 00:05:42
  • 11 [1-1] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - C Programming Language overview 00:03:58
  • 12 [1-2] CS50x In Arabic - Printf Function in C, and Sandbox 00:07:59
  • 13 [1-3] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Compilers 00:09:31
  • 14 [1-4] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - String in C Programming Language 00:12:06
  • 15 [1-5] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Conditions in C Programming Language 00:07:24
  • 16 [1-6] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Loops in C Programming Language 00:08:33
  • 17 [1-7] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Data types, Formats,and Operators In C Programming Language 00:06:53
  • 18 [1-8] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Examples In C ( Age in days, check even and odd , Positive No...) 00:40:31
  • 19 [1-9] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Screens ( Mario Example) 00:08:51
  • 20 [1-10] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Memory, Floating Point Imprecision, and Integer Overflow 00:17:54
  • 21 [1-11] CS50x In Arabic - Week 1 - Shorts 00:33:53
  • 22 [2-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 2 00:08:05
  • 23 [2-1] CS50x In Arabic - Week 2 - Part 1 00:26:57
  • 24 [2-2] CS50x In Arabic - Week 2 - Part 2 00:59:08
  • 25 [2-3] CS50x In Arabic - Week 2 - Shorts [functions, arrays, command line arguments, variables&scope] 00:36:00
  • 26 [2-4] CS50x In Arabic - Pset 2 - Readability 00:15:26
  • 27 [2-5] CS50x In Arabic - Pset 2 - Caesar 00:25:14
  • 28 [3-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 3 00:09:04
  • 29 [3-1] CS50x In Arabic - Week 3 - Part 1 00:46:00
  • 30 [3-2] CS50x In Arabic - Week 3 - Selection Sort 00:09:51
  • 31 [3-3] CS50x In Arabic - Week 3 - Recursion 00:21:39
  • 32 [3-4] CS50x In Arabic - Week 3 - Merge Sort 00:19:18
  • 33 [3-5] CS50x In Arabic - Week 3 - Shorts [Sort and Search Algorithms in details] 00:53:53
  • 34 [3-6] CS50x In Arabic - Pset3 - Plurality Solution 00:48:39
  • 35 [3-7] CS50x In Arabic - Pset 3 - Runoff 00:53:36
  • 36 [4-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 4 00:05:39
  • 37 [4-1] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Hexadecimal 00:18:31
  • 38 [4-2] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Pointers 00:17:31
  • 39 [4-3] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - String is a Pointer 00:19:54
  • 40 [4-4] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Malloc Function - Copy and Compare two strings in C 00:17:44
  • 41 [4-5] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Detecting Memory Leaks With Valgrind & how to solve it using free() 00:16:05
  • 42 [4-6] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Pass by value & Pass by reference, Memory Layout, Stack overflow 00:25:29
  • 43 [4-7] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Scanf() 00:10:18
  • 44 [4-8] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Files in C - fopen(), fclose(), and fprintf() functions 00:08:10
  • 45 [4-9] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - fread() function and JPEG files in C. 00:13:25
  • 46 [4-10] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Shorts (1) - Hexadecimal, Pointers, Defining Custom Types 00:36:53
  • 47 [4-11] CS50x In Arabic - Week 4 - Shorts (2) - Dynamic Memory Allocation, Call Stacks, File Pointers 00:41:31
  • 48 [4-12] CS50x In Arabic - Pset 4 - Filter less comfortable 00:46:36
  • 49 [5-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 5 - Data Structures 00:04:21
  • 50 [5-1] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 -What is Data Structures? 00:16:57
  • 51 [5-2] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 - Data Structures ( Linked Lists ) 00:31:13
  • 52 [5-3] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 - Implementing arrays in C ( realloc function ) 00:12:49
  • 53 [5-4] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 - Implementing Linked Lists In C 00:37:44
  • 54 [5-5] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 - Data Structures ( Trees ) 00:25:14
  • 55 [5-6] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 - Data Structures ( Hash Tables ) 00:16:51
  • 56 [5-7] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 - Data Structures ( Trie ) 00:08:35
  • 57 [5-8] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 - Abstract Data Structures ( Queue - stack - dictionary ) 00:09:56
  • 58 [5-9] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 (Shorts) - Arrays vs Linked Lists vs Hash Tables vs Tries 00:17:23
  • 59 [5-10] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 (Shorts) - Singly Linked Lists 00:34:36
  • 60 [5-11] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 (Shorts) - Hash Tables 00:17:45
  • 61 [5-12] CS50x In Arabic - Week 5 (Shorts) - Tries 00:17:48
  • 62 [5-13] CS50x In Arabic - Pset 5 ( Speller ) 01:25:55
  • 63 [6-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 6 - Python 00:09:00
  • 64 [6-1] ما الفرق بين c & python ؟ 00:25:23
  • 65 [6-2] CS50x In Arabic - Python Basics 00:28:59
  • 66 [6-3] CS50x In Arabic - Python Basics - Data Types ( List - set - tuple - range - dict ) 00:32:01
  • 67 [6-4] CS50x In Arabic - Python Basics - Functions and Libraries 00:02:33
  • 68 [6-5] CS50x In Arabic - Python ( Input() & Type casting in python ) 00:15:00
  • 69 [6-6] CS50x In Arabic - Python ( Namespaces & if condition in python ) 00:12:12
  • 70 [6-7] CS50x In Arabic - Python - How to compare two strings in Python (Vs) C? 00:12:58
  • 71 [6-8] CS50x In Arabic - Python - Defining Functions 00:15:10
  • 72 [6-9] CS50x In Arabic - Python - do while loop & Python scope 00:15:59
  • 73 [6-10] CS50x In Arabic - Python function arguments ( Positional vs Keyword vs Default) 00:23:33
  • 74 [6-11] CS50x In Arabic - Python (Integer overflow & Floating-point imprecision) 00:07:11
  • 75 [6-12] CS50x In Arabic - List in python vs array in C , sum(), len(), list.append() 00:18:23
  • 76 [6-13] CS50x In Arabic - Convert string to uppercase in Python 00:10:24
  • 77 [6-14] CS50x In Arabic - Python - Command Line arguments, Sys module, and Module vs Library 00:13:32
  • 78 [6-15] CS50x In Arabic - Python - Exit code 00:08:53
  • 79 [6-16] CS50x In Arabic - Algorithms in Python ( Linear Search ) 00:07:20
  • 80 [6-17] CS50x In Arabic - Python - Dictionaries ( dict ) , Phonebook Example 00:17:09
  • 81 [6-18] CS50x In Arabic - Python - Pointers & How to swap two variables in Python ? 00:09:59
  • 82 [6-19] CS50x In Arabic - Python - How to Write to CSV Files in Python ? 00:18:34
  • 83 [6-20] CS50x In Arabic - Reading CSV files in Python “Hogwarts Example” 00:21:01
  • 84 [6-21] CS50x In Arabic - How to set up Python in Visual Studio Code 2021 00:12:24
  • 85 [6-22] CS50x In Arabic - Blur an Image in Python using Pillow (PIL) Library 00:16:16
  • 86 [6-23] CS50x In Arabic - Text to Speech in Python using the pyttsx3 Library 00:05:42
  • 87 [6-24] CS50x In Arabic - How to Install Face Recognition for Python 3.9 Dlib and use it in example 00:18:19
  • 88 [6-25] CS50x In Arabic - How to generate QR Code in Python using qrcode Library 00:09:47
  • 89 [6-26] CS50x In Arabic - Speech Recognition in Python - التعرف على الصوت و تحويله إلى نص 00:24:28
  • 90 [6-27] CS50x In Arabic - Python (AI , ML , DL, Data Science, Neural Networks, Deepfake) 00:23:49
  • 91 [6-28] CS50x In Arabic - Speller in Python ( Which is faster C or Python ? ) 00:21:34
  • 92 [6-29] CS50x In Arabic - Python Shorts (1) - .append() vs .insert() vs a[len(a):] , Shebang 00:40:28
  • 93 [6-30] CS50x In Arabic - مدخلك لعالم oop 00:20:20
  • 94 [7-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 7 - SQL 00:05:56
  • 95 [7-1] CS50x In Arabic - Using data from Google Forms in Spreadsheet - Maximum rows of Excel Sheets 00:16:57
  • 96 [7-2] CS50x In Arabic - Flat-File Databases ( CSV Files ) 00:09:40
  • 97 [7-3] CS50x In Arabic - Reading CSV files with csv.DictReader in Python csv.reader vs csv.DictReader 00:16:54
  • 98 [7-4] CS50x In Arabic - Cleaning and Sorting data in CSV files using Python 00:14:58
  • 99 [7-5]CS50x In Arabic -Counting Data in CSV file, Lambda or Anonymous Function, Higher order function 00:30:11
  • 100 [7-6] CS50x In Arabic - Why are flat-file databases inefficient? 00:11:32
  • 101 [7-7] CS50x In Arabic - What is SQL, Relational Databases, Sqlite ? (RDBMS vs Flat-file databases) 00:10:49
  • 102 [7-8] CS50x In Arabic - SQLite , What is CRUD? 00:15:50
  • 103 [7-9] CS50x In Arabic - How to import CSV file to SQlite using SQL 00:09:12
  • 104 [7-10] CS50x In Arabic - SELECT statement in SQL "DISTINCT, COUNT, WHERE, LIKE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY" 00:24:03
  • 105 [7-11] CS50x In Arabic - SQL Query Basics: INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE 00:07:32
  • 106 [7-12] CS50x In Arabic - RDBMS Tables Design from CSV file Primary Key and Foreign Key 00:18:17
  • 107 [7-13] CS50x In Arabic - SQL with Python Nested Query in SQL 00:26:59
  • 108 [7-14] CS50x In Arabic - Many-to-Many Relationship in RDBMS Join Table IMDB dataset Example 00:19:59
  • 109 [7-15] CS50x In Arabic - SQL Index Database Indexes 00:15:13
  • 110 [7-16] CS50x In Arabic - SQL Joins with Example 00:12:22
  • 111 [7-17] CS50x In Arabic - SQL Injection attacks 00:07:30
  • 112 [7-18] CS50x In Arabic - Race Conditions Problem and Transactions 00:10:12
  • 113 [8-0] CS50x In Arabic - Introduction to week 8 - HTML, CSS, JavaScript 00:05:07
  • 114 [8-1] CS50x In Arabic - What is the Internet? 00:15:35
  • 115 [8-2] CS50x In Arabic ( TCP/IP - IP address - DHCP - MAC address - DNS Servers) 00:18:17
  • 116 [8-3] CS50x In Arabic - Packets Routers TCP Protocol 00:12:57
  • 117 [8-4] CS50x In Arabic - Everything You Need to Know About Servers RAID TCP Port Numbers 00:29:17
  • 118 [8-5] CS50x In Arabic - Net Neutrality 00:05:20
  • 119 [8-6] CS50x In Arabic - Web Protocols ( HTTP - HTTPS ) 00:11:21
  • 120 [8-7] CS50x In Arabic - Viewing HTTP Headers and Status Code Using Browser Developer Tools 00:15:54
  • 121 [8-8] CS50x In Arabic - HTML 00:54:29
  • 122 [8-9] CS50x In Arabic - CSS Semantic elements & Non Semantic elements in HTML 00:53:39
  • 123 [8-10] CS50x In Arabic - Bootstrap CDN Why do we use frameworks? 00:19:24

محاضر كورس CS50

Coders Camp - Rasha Abdeen
Coders Camp - Rasha Abdeen

تقييمات الطلاب

4.4 / 5

( 67 )

  • 59.7%
  • 23.88%
  • 8.96%
  • 2.99%
  • 4.48%

بعض التقييمات
احمد عبدالناصر

Besher Reda

Mahmoud Ahmed

مينا رمسيس

